He’s Not Scary, He’s A Little Boy

We’ve had some encounters recently that have inspired me to write this post.  This is something I hope everyone reads and shares.  This is a message that doesn’t just pertain to Jameson, but to all children who are made fun of and singled out for their differences; and I am pretty sure their parents feel the same way I do.

I want to begin by saying that I don’t hold anything against these children, or their parents.  I understand that it can be extremely awkward when your child is the one making fun or being mean to another child.  But, the next time this happens I hope these parents do more.  Because although I cannot take offense, I would be lying if I said it didn’t hurt.  It does.  It hurts to see my child be made fun of, knowing that this will be a big part of his world the rest of his life.

By now you might be wondering what happened to prompt these words.  Nothing has happened that hasn’t happened before; and sadly that won’t happen again.  But, for some reason, it has just happened a lot in the last few weeks.

We recently moved to a new town, and our oldest is in 1st grade.  The second week of school there was an open house to see the school and meet his teacher.  The entire school, K-5th grade, was corralled in the cafeteria to listen to opening remarks and welcomes.  As we were walking into the crowded cafeteria we were immediately greeted by a little boy who pointed at Jameson, nudged his mother, and said he looked funny.  We paid no mind and continued to walk through the cafeteria looking for a spot to sit down.  Shortly after we sat down two little girls and their mother sat across from us.  One little girl looks at us, turned to her mother and said “He looks scary”, pointing to Jameson.  Her mother told her that wasn’t nice to say, and turned around.

Last weekend, in the grocery store with my two boys, a mother and her son are walking down the aisle towards us.  I see the little boy look up; I smile at him.  He starts to laugh, and tells his mom, “Look mom, that baby looks funny”, laughing.  I look at his mother and she cannot even muster a word, her jaw hanging open.

As a parent I have been in situations where my child has done or said something inappropriate, so I understand the embarrassment.  I also understand that these children are not to blame.  Think about, we teach them from birth to single things out.  Put a bunch of red blocks together, sneak a green one in, and them tell them to look for the green one, the different one.  Sort the shapes that only fit through the right hole.  You’ll never fit a round peg in a square hole.  The round one is wrong.  It’s okay to notice differences.  That’s how we identify one thing from another.  We teach what is by teaching what isn’t.  But these are objects.  We can single them out and choose the right one, the one that fits in.  We can’t do this to people; to children.

As a mother of a child who looks different this is my plea to you:

If you are the parent whose child says another child looks funny or scary, don’t simply say “That isn’t a nice thing to say”.  While you are right, it’s not nice, simply saying that and walking away still isolates my child.  The next time follow that statement up and tell your child, “I’m sure he’s a very nice boy, let’s go meet him”.  Please, come introduce yourself and ask my child’s name.  I assure you, we don’t bite!  My child is just like yours, he can be sweet, loving, throw temper tantrums, and be a handful.  And I assure you, I am just like you, I am a parent learning my way through this.

If your child is curious and doesn’t say anything mean but still notices he looks different; please, introduce yourself to us, ask us our names!  Include my child in your world.  I promise you, he’s not scary, he’s just a little boy.

To all the parents and children out there that already practice this, and to those that have purposely made a point to brighten Jameson’s day when we have crossed paths; Thank you.  From the bottom of my heart, thank you.  I can honestly tell you I can remember vividly each encounter where a stranger has made a conscious effort to want to know Jameson and include him in their world.  And I can bet he does too.  My six year old amazes me when I hear him recount a memory from when he was three years old, so I am sure Jameson remembers the same.


I mean seriously, how mean does this happy face covered in S’mores look?! 😉

Camping, July 2014

Camping, July 2014



515 thoughts on “He’s Not Scary, He’s A Little Boy

  1. You and your husband are amazing people.an I still remember lil man an his beautiful smile.I love that you can write an show such amazing love through word’s. The education an progress you show of Jamison is amazing. With love an support of you an your amazing family the George family.

    • Thank you! 🙂 That is such a nice thing for your to say, thanks! We appreciate your support – you have quite an amazaing family yourself 🙂 So very gald we got the chance to know you guys!

    • Oh wow what a trooper. I just looked at the photo album and he is certainly a little boy with courage and you can see a twinkle in his eye that will keep you on your toes. I think your story is great and very helpful for parents. I just read your article in the New Zealand Herald so your story is reaching far and wide. Go Jameson, we think you’re cool and your bigger brother sounds awesome too. You guys are wonderful advocates for him and other children around the world.

  2. An amazing post, so well said. Thankfully not something we have to deal with (at least not yet) so I can only imagine how hard it must be. Great to see Jameson looking so well and so grown up 🙂

  3. Great post A.A. Just read through this with tears in my eyes but you opened them none the less. Very good points about having the parent of the offending child make an introduction and even though I have not came across this with our kids saying something like this yet to someone who may be “different” I will keep your words in my mind if the situation does arise. You have a very open mind on what these kids and parents say and do and I applaud you for that since I’m not sure what my reaction would be. Much love to you and your beautiful family.

    • Thank you Shawn. When Jameson was a baby and we were out in public I realized that I myself didn’t know how to handle it, and if it’s my child and I don’t know how to handle it then how can the other parents know how to handle it? After a few years have gone by I realize that there is no getting around the fact that Jameson will always draw attention, so why not make every attempt to turn any negative attention into an opportunity for positive attention. It is also a lesson for my own children.

      • I have 6 children…i always encouraged them to talk and ask questions when they encountered someone that they were curious about…they have grown accepting of differences and freely make conversations with the person instead of talking about them ..I’m a very proud mum 💖 ur note touched my heart and I hope as ur wee man goes he has more positive meetings than negative ones 💖

  4. Very inspiring it gave me a great idea on how to handle a situation like this with other children. One of my biggest fears is that my son becomes a bully or that he is bullied and I would like to teach him that it is not okay to be a bully or let other children bully him. I would love for my child to meet him someday.

  5. My daughter gets stared at. It does upset me. I’ve had ppl online say what is THT thing. I cry. She’s only two, had her first surgery two weeks ago on her skull. I dnt want her made fun off. But some are adults asking and whispering bout her…

    • I understand how you feel Felicia. People will stare and make comments, but there will also be people that show your child kindness and affection, more so than if they didn’t look different. In the end though, knowing that people are going to stare I would rather them appraoch us and talk to us.

  6. I am not a parent, but I do know how cruel children – and adults – can be. I think your son is absolutely beautiful, and I think he is very lucky to have such remarkable, amazing parents.

  7. Heartbreaking. Thank you for sharing this. As a parent of two, I think, “How would I have responded in that situation?” My unfortunate answer to myself: “That isn’t a nice thing to say.” Thank you for telling me what I SHOULD tell my children in that situation. My children have only clammed up in similar situations in the past, but in future I will tell them: “Looks like a very nice kid. Let’s go meet them!” Thank you for writing this. You made a difference today. And your son is incredibly fortunate to have a mother as loving as yourself.

  8. I found this through a friend post on Facebook. I applaud you for being his wonderful mommy and the journey you’ve been through!! Since there hasn’t been an update in a while, how was his second surgery? How are your other two boys? (Last I saw was you were expecting #3, and it hasn’t been mentioned again). I wish you best of luck!!!

    • Hi DJ, thank you! 🙂 I got busy (with 3 boys, lol) and really just haven’t had the time to update his blog, I made a facebook page for him to try to make my updates easier! But his seconf surgery went really well, and he had an amazing growth spurt afterwards- his hearing drastically improved after his second surgery, We have our 6 month post-op MRI coming up at the end of this month. As for baby 3, yes he his here and we now have 3 boys tearing through the house, lol.

  9. I seen this picture of your little boy and i think he is so adorable and looks happy and shame on people and kids that say hurtful things about an innocent little kid i think every kid no matter what is beautiful after all we are all creation of god so if your making fun of someone because they act or look different then your making fun of god but anyways your boy is truly beautiful

  10. He is a beautiful boy and is very blessed. I have went through that myself as a deathly sick leukemia teenager that children loved to point and stare asking their parents what is wrong with me. What people do not know scares them and if they w had an open heart would be more understanding that not everyone is the same. God makes everyone different. I love that you spread the word about how people should be more willing to come up and greet him to get to know him. People should be more outgoing to meet people is conditions. A nice wave or smile can change a life. Lots of love for your family and son. He is just beautiful in every way!

  11. Thank you for your courage to say what needs to be said. My daughter has cerebral palsy and gets the looks and comments. It always amazes me that people think that just because she has a physical disability, she is also unable to hear what they say. I will begin using your phrases to get them to understand that she is just a little girl.

  12. Wow! Such amazingly smoochable cheeks he has! With s’more flavoring to boot! May God bless you for writing this. My daughter has CP, and while she looks fairly typical, when she talks or walks or tries to interact, the differences become apparent fairly quickly. Your article is a wonderful response.

  13. Wow! Now that is what I call a little Chunky Monkey. And such a sweetie too. Little ones like this just make you want to squeeze those cute chubby cheeks. Now really how could anyone ever say anything bad about that beautiful face. This little one has a very amazing mother and father. I could have not said it any better than you said it all here. This world is very lucky to have you all in it as well. And indeed this little one is special. And our all mighty god only give special gifts to special parents. I hat is off to you as you all have a great journey and I will be there to follow you through your journey. God bless you all.

  14. That s’mores covered face is totally smoochable!

    My son is still young enough that he just wants to PLAY with every kid he comes across, but i am so glad to have read your post. Thank you for sharing!

  15. My Mom just shared this on her Facebook page and I cannot tell you how much it touched me. Having a hard time turning off the tears as I write this 🙂 Jameson is an adorable little dude, you are very luck to have him. I have a 1 year old daughter and another on the way. My wife and I are going to do everything in our power to raise them both with kindness, love and understanding in their hearts. Thank you for being strong enough to speak openly and frankly about this. Wishing you and your family all the best in life.

  16. I think Jameson is adorable!!! What a wonderful message you are spreading. I sure hope that people take the time to read this and to take you up on your offer!

  17. Thank you for sharing your story and your little boy with the world! Sometimes i think people need a reminder that is OK to introduce yourself to someone you don’t know.
    I wish you the best and hope there is a day when i do get to meet you.

  18. He is absolutely beautiful! I was treated with stares and nasty comments, when I was younger, age 13, I wore the first Milwaukee brace for severe scoliosis…for 3 years…I was most comfortable at Shriner’s Hospital, where we were all having similar experiences. These experiences gave me compassion and empathy for anyone who is different. All of my life, I’ve been drawn to people who are not like everyone else. I feel like my life has been enhanced because of this. I don’t know what lessons each person has when they are lucky enough to meet you and your son but I do know that you are a gift to them…to all of us…your son is so handsome and he brought me joy when I saw him. God bless you both!

  19. Thank you for taking the time to teach me how to react to people with differences. Now I can teach it to my 4 boys. Sometimes it just takes someone to step out of their box to teach others. Thank you!

  20. Roar mama roar! The world needs to change, and we all need to look in the mirror and be honest about how we treat other people. Your son looks different, but shouldn’t open the door to insensitivity and/or cruelty. I really appreciate the honesty, grace, and love in this post.

  21. He is different, and that alone is simply beautiful. We should be embracing our differences, that’s what makes each one of us unique and special. He is incredibly cute, look those big beautiful eyes! Thank you for sharing your experiences, it brought tears to my eyes, but it also brought knowledge. Thank you!

  22. I am so glad that you wrote this post. I think there are a lot of us (myself included) who want to do the right thing but don’t know just what that is. Thank you for letting me know that coming up and making friends will make us all happier!

  23. Beautifully written. As a mother if twins born with cleft lip and palate I really appreciate all that u said. It really is important that parents educate their children about differences in others and teach acceptance. Maybe then we can put a stop to bullying. Your little guy is a sweetie.

  24. I’m adoptive mom to ten. I am currently in China bringing home our daughter who has a HUGE, uncorrected eye tumor. We know the stares are coming. Our son at home with Dwarfism already gets them. I shared your post on FB and it has been re-shared six times already. It resonates with moms of kids with visible differences just like you and I. The only way to end the cruelty our kids face is to make sure the next generation knows that looking is okay, but that all anyone really asks is to be treated with respect.

    • Bless you! I wish you and your family all the best and safe travels from China! Sounds like your new daughter is coming home to a house filled with love ❤

  25. Thank you for that. I understand what it is like to feel different physically. I remember when I was little, girls would be scared of me and some kids would make fun of my skin color. I was always self conscious about life, but one day I decided to be silly and roll with the punches at the sound of taunting. Everyone started laughing and that made me happy. I kept up with this routine all the way until High School. By that time, most of the kids had matured.

    I am sorry that you and your child have to go through the pain, but I know that when he discovers himself, he will change the world just as you have done.

  26. Thank you for this! I appreciate your suggestion on what to say to our kids when they notice that somebody looks different from them. I will absolutely use that whenever we can! My kids’ difference is not noticeable from the outside – theirs is life threatening food allergies – and they deal with bullying in such a different way where kids try to chase them with foods they are allergic because they think it is funny, or excluding them from events like birthday parties. So I try to educate people on what would help my children. So again, thank you for educating us with helping make your sweet boy feel included!

  27. Can I just say that your words have deeply moved me. Great post. As a dad with a 3 month old little boy with cleft lip and palate, I totally know where you are coming from.

    I blog about my son’s journey and the latest post was about strangers and stupid comments, as sadly it’s not only kiddies that say nasty things.

    Anyway, wise words from you and I wish you and your family all the best. Thanks for sharing, like I said, really moving.

  28. Very inspiring post. I have three children, each one with something that makes them different. I agree with you on how to approach children that are different. Saying that’s not nice isn’t enough…we need to help our kids reach out to those that are different so they will be viewed just the same as every other child. I just shared this quote on my instagram the other day…The greatest disability is the inability to love those who are different than you. (Richard Paul Evans, a best-selling author who suffers from Tourrette’s Syndrome.) Thanks again. I look forward to reading more. I also blog at http://www.thespecialreds.blogspot.com.

  29. Jameson is so cute! What a meaningful insight to your situation. I’m an adult who was born with Hemifacial Microsomia. I have undergone many successful surgeries (almost through with my medical treatment) and I ave been stared at and teased many times. I’m so thankful for my wonderful friends (and our kitty) who love me – a tremendous blessing! Cheers to your strength and courage and best of luck to Jameson. 🙂

  30. You are absolutely right. As a parent, we should educate our children not to say nasty things and introduce to make friends so that they know it’s acceptable and not to outcast them.

  31. Your baby is an angel. Pure and simple. As a momma of 5 children, I have had my share of embarrassing moments where my children have stared or said something about another person. I never allow my children to think it’s okay to make comments about others and explain that everyone is different in their own way. Sometimes, it’s difficult to gauge what to say as some people aren’t as open and understanding as you. This has really opened my eyes. Next time I will introduce myself and my kids.

  32. Thank you for writing this blog I agree with this 1000% and I think he is absolutely adorable… When I have children I will make sure to keep this article near to my heart and heed your advice. I think this needed to be said bc I have always felt the way you have.

    Thanks again for writing it!

  33. I came across your blog this morning and you taught me something about my own children. I think Jameson is adorable!!! I showed Jameson’s picture to my children and was, quite frankly, expecting the worst. My 6 year old daughter and she said, “he looks crazy!” My heart sank for a moment and I was beginning to think about what to say to her but then I stopped and asked why she thought that. She said, “Because he has chocolate all over his face!!” That was the only thing she noticed. I showed his photo to my 2 year old and he said, “awww, cute!” My 1 year old was more interested in trying to pry keys off my laptop. My 7 year old said, “He looks like a very silly little boy!” Thanks for reminding me that I have really great kids. They have been driving me crazy lately and I needed that reminder.

  34. What an adorable little sweetheart. Thank you for this post. I can’t help but smile when I look through his photos. He must be such a blessing to your family.

  35. so well said and thank you for giving me something to remember in case my child does say something that I’m embarrassed at. When my daughter wore a helmet I was actually astonished at what adults said more than kids.

  36. Pingback: He’s Not Scary, He’s A Little Boy | Jameson’s Journey | expressinitfreely

  37. I don’t usually comment on stories but this one touched my heart. I think one of the most IMPORTANT things that we, as parents need to do is instill love and acceptance in the hearts of our kids. I know that’s what we do with our five year old. Little Jameson is a cutie face. 🙂

  38. As a college student, I’m a ways away from being a parent but this story really resonated with me. I’m an avid participant in our Dance Marathon, and have had the pleasure of meeting some of the children and their families that attend the hospital for a variety of reasons. They are pure perseverance and happiness, and I’m sure Jameson is as well. I really liked your solution of an introduction because it’s a great lesson that different isn’t wrong- I think today we get too caught up with bothering people and taking their time we never stop to converse with strangers. To be honest, the thought would have never crossed my mind, but I’m going to keep it in my back pocket so if I need it I’ll have it with me. Thank you and wishing you all the best!

  39. I dont usually comment on things. But i do have to. Say this really changed the way i am going to teach my kids things i have 3 kids age 3, 18months and 2 month old. I showed the picture of your beautiful boy to my 3 uear old son and he said “awe hes cute, look at the chocolate on his mouth”. That made me smile he didnt notice anything different and neither do i your son looks like a happy littke boy just like every other little boy i see.

  40. Your words are loving and inspirational to all. You are blessed with a loving family and a beautiful son who although others may not see, is a gift from God. May God bless you and your family always!

  41. Beautiful! Thank you for writing this! I’ll admit, this has never happened to us, but I’m sure if it did I wouldn’t have a clue how to respond (except in agonized embarassment, I’m sure….). That is a great counter — “I’m sure he’s a very nice little boy, let’s go meet him!” I will totally do this if that situation ever arises. Thank you again for writing this!!

  42. I think your little boy is beautiful! Like all other little boys! I have a little toddler boy who has a hemangioma about the size of a dime on the side of his face. It’s just a red circle, but so many children point it out and say “Look at his face!” or “What’s that on his face?” If children are actually asking me then I will tell them what it is and my son is too young to mind the extra attention. I actually do not even see it until people point it out and remind me it’s there. Your post is a great reminder to me to continue to teach my children (I have a 4 year old too) that all children are God’s beautiful creation and we are all the same yet each very special. God bless you and your family.

  43. Wow I hope you read this comment and know how much I appreciate your words. I had a lot of “stares” and horrified looks from kids yesterday while holding my precious son and even though you try and block it out and tell yourself it doesn’t hurt it does. In fact last night I told my husband I wish people would just come up and ask me about him instead of gaping! I am more than happy to introduce him and tell his amazing story. Hopefully many people will read this and respond differently in the future. My little man is 10 months old has multiple suture cranio and is being tested for Pfeiffer Syndrome as well. Best of luck to your entire family and especially your hero son.

    • *Hugs* When Jameson was a baby, under a year, it hurt the most. Now that he has blossomed it’s easier to shake it off. It was such a daze because other moms holding babies got “oooo’s” and “aahhhh’s” while I got weird looks. It’s like there’s an elephant in the room, everyone sees he’s different but no one wants to say anything. Makes you want to scream sometimes! It gets better! And know that there is a mom here you can talk to if you ever need to!

  44. I loved this posting. Your son is adorable. I used to work with the severely retarded whom sometimes had different looks than other people. I taught my children that all people need kindness no matter what the circumstance. They are all adults now and are I hope going to be the kind of parent I was, who will teach their children to respect everyone no matter the difference. I applaud you on your words of wisdom to other parents. I really do hope that things will change in the way people treat your son. I am sure he knows he is loved and your courage and understanding will support him. Good luck to you and your family. I think he is extremely loveable.

    • Just F.Y.I. saying severely retarded is offensive to many people who are severely disabled or handicapped. Hopefully in the future you will learn to use another word when responding to blogs, etc.

    • Idk when you worked with “the severely retarded” …I guess 80 years ago, but that’s not the proper word to describe people who are MENTALLY CHALLENGED. It’s pretty offensive.

      • Mentally retarded is a medical phrase and condition. It’s not offensive, it’s the facts of some lives. “Mentally handicapped” could mean many things.

      • I agree 1000%. It is a degrading word. Maybe in the medical field it’s appropriate but talking to parents about our children it is NOT acceptable.

    • Mentally retarsed is offensive terminology to special needs kids, adults, and the parents that love them. That word is not used any more. We prefer special needs in our neck of the world.

  45. Pingback: He’s Not Scary, He’s a Little Boy | Omaha Sun Times

  46. Love your story and all the posts! As the Grandma of a child with a genetic disorder, our typical response to looks or the many questions is “this is the way God made me”. They have always been ok with that. That is a very easy way to break the ice for most people. ☺

  47. First off, Jameson is all kinds of adorable. I just want to hug and snuggle him! Second..thank you. As a mom of a two year old, I haven’t figured out how to handle it when she notices another person’s difference. I say the obvious things, most likely lost on her, but going up and saying hi is wonderful. Nothing like understanding we are all alike by actually meeting each other. Sending you and your family tons of happy and healthy vibes!

  48. I stumbled upon your website/blog while researching something else. I was moved by your story because I remember all to well the stares and comments from children and adults when they encountered my brother who was born with physical and mental disabilities. Anyway, I am a teacher and I taught a young lady, about 6 years ago, who had a craniofacial disorder that sound like Pfeiffer Syndrome because her hands and feet were involved. She began her education at a private Montessori school, but she wasn’t being academically challenged enough. Though Jewish, her parents transferred her to my school, a private, Catholic, independent school when she entered 7th grade. That year she celebrated her bat mitzvah and invited her entire class! I taught her in 8th grade and she continued to do well…she is a gifted writer. The most important thing to know is that she DID SO WELL. Quite and introvert, at first she rejected the other students’ invitations to eat lunch with them. But eventually she was participating in all the usual “girl stuff.” She was in my advisery that year and all of my kids really bonded and became a little family. She went on to our high school. At that point she needed an extensive, serious surgery. She recovered and her four years of high school were relatively good ones. At the end of her senior year, she chose to give a “Chapel Talk”–an opportunity to address the entire high school. She choose to speak about her facial disorder, her challenges and triumphs, and received a standing ovation at the end. I hope your sweet boy has as good an experience as my student…not without struggles…but without struggles how could he have the monumental triumphs that my student had?! Blessings to you and to your family!

  49. Thank you so much for writing this. If we ever happen to be in the situation you described, I am sure I will think of this and act appropriately. My thoughts and prayers goes to you and your little angel.

  50. I’m friends with Reggie Bibbs of justaskfoundation.org. He has dealt with similar issues and started this awareness campaign. His shirt encourages people to approach him and ask about his uniqueness.

    • I like the idea of wearing a t-shit to encourage people to approach him. Although the child may be friendly and outgoing, I would never think to approach a mother and child to talk – I would think that would be kind of invasive, especially out in public (a grocery store for example). Wearing the t-shirt lets people know that you encourage interaction when you are out running errands etc.

  51. Hey Jameson! Thank you for helping my mom and I better understand what to say! My mom always tells me to treat all people well and that we are all different and special. It’s still hard for me to understand sometimes though. If I see you I will definitely say HI!!! Take care my friend!

  52. Great suggestion. As a parent of a child with special needs, I’m no stranger to feeling isolated on his behalf or being at the receiving end of insensitive comments. I love that you can look at those insensitive experiences for what they are and build something constructive from it. Nicely done!

  53. Standing Ovation! My son is guilty of these comments. He is on the Autism Spectrum and doesn’t read social cues very well and often lacks the ability to think before he talks. We talk to him all the time about people being different and unique and what a really cool thing it is. Other children learn quickly how to think it not say it, while my son says exactly what he feels and thinks. That said he is slowly but surely turning into a much more excepting human being that many of his peers. Even though we address each comment I like the idea of adding in meeting or introducing ourselves. I always thought was invading their personal privacy and space. This article has really helped me rethink that. Thank you.

  54. Dear Jameson,
    What a lucky boy are you to have such a wonderful family. My little boy is 1 and I have no idea where you live but I wish we could meet and be friends! Beautifully written, and may love and light be always on your family and little Jameson! Email me, love to get in touch! 🙂

  55. Your child is beautiful, he also has a beautiful supportive family. Thanks for sharing his story brought tears to my eyes. Children are a miracle and yours is an angel and a strong survivor hes been through more than many others will never endure. All his pictures you shared I only shall pure beauty😄

  56. Your little Jameson is just the sweetest lil guy! Such a cutey pie and I’m sure so snuggley. I showed his picture to my two little boys (ages 5 & 2 1/2) and they were fascinated by the fact that he likes smores (one of their favorite things). I have made it a point to instill the idea in them that God made all of us different because if we were all the same life would be boring. When I explained to them that there are people out there that have said not nice things to or about your son, my oldest got very sad. He didn’t like the idea of someone making fun of Jameson, my youngest just wants to show your lil man all of their toys lol. After I read them your post we had a nice talk about remembering it’s what’s inside that counts and that we will always try to be the people on the playground that are friendly to everyone. I wish you so much love and luck on this journey of motherhood to your 2 precious babies…we wish Jameson and his big brother all the best. Thank you for sharing your story.

  57. I just read “He’s not scary, He’s a little boy” on Huffington post and I am crying! I am so hurt that people can be so judgmental!n If any of my children EVER said anything nasty about someone they saw I would ‘explain to them everyone is made different and beautiful in God’s eyes and so that is the way we should see them too and then make them apologize. I am in New Zealand but I wish you and Jameson were here I would love my children to have him as their friend-what a privilege! Not everyone gets such a cool looking mate (slang-friend) ! 🙂 x

  58. You already know this but I just want to tell you your little boy is beautiful! He seems like such a happy little guy 🙂 god bless you and your family.

  59. I’ll tell you what – as a dad trying to raise his goofball gang of three to know love, see beauty and respect every single thing that God creates – if any of my three said anything inappropriate (which I pray they wouldn’t) – we would be RIGHT there introducing ourselves, shaking hands, giving high fives and showing the true beauty that Jameson radiates. I am sorry you have ever had to hear one negative or mean thing – intended or not. God bless you guys – and please give that dude a high five from us all…

  60. I think your child is just adorable! You seem like a great parent who is working hard to breakdown stereotypes and give your child an amazing life.

  61. I’m glad you posted this. The first time my daughter noticed someone who “looked different” at the grocery store, she asked me what happened to “that person” who was missing a limb. Without a pause for thought, really, I said, “I don’t know. Let’s find out.” I preferred to ask than to have her stare, and was fortunate that, when we introduced ourselves and asked, the adult was straightforward, friendly and answered her question simply. We also talked about what the person did for fun, where he lived (we were in our neighborhood market and their shopping basket contents indicated they weren’t far from home), and where he worked. It seemed like the right thing to do at the time, and it seems to have paid off. From that day forward, the kids have never been afraid to approach “different” looking folk, though they’ve grown out of being so nosy. They’ve never been afraid to play with other kids who might be on the outskirts because they’re not “like everyone else.” I’m glad to know we’re on the right path as well.

  62. I am truly sorry you and your son have and will continue to endure the hurt from others regarding your son’s condition. I appreciate you sharing your experiences with us, you are a strong and wondering mother and your little boy is blessed to have you as his mommy as I know you feel blessed to have him as your son:)! I pray for strength and courage for your son and your family and for the best possible outcome for sweet Jameson!!!!! I pray your words will reach many and make a positive change for those dealing with anything that makes them different. I think he is adorable and he looks from his pictures to have an amazing personality:)

  63. I usually don’t read full stories, but the photo of your little boy caught my eye. I just thought he is so adorable and precious, how could I not read on?
    Thank you for sharing this experience with me and for making me understand your family. As a new mother I will be sure to take the approach you suggested whenever my son is curious about another human being who he sees as different or not the same as him.
    Your child is truly beautiful and Thankyou for sharing your story.

  64. Im sure everyone has said this already but I usually don’t comment on blogs or things I read online, but I just have to say Jameson is absolutely adorable and has won my heart over with just these posts so I can imagine the love he has surrounding him. My daughter started kindergarten this year and there is a little boy in her class who “looks different” when she asked me questions about him and his appearance we had a great conversation about how everyone is different but we’re all the same and I have been very pleased to hear his name come up the last few weeks when I have asked who she spends time with at lunch. I look forward to seeing and reading more posts about Jameson! ❤️

  65. Kudos to you, mom, for writing your message in such a positive and inspiring way so that others can relate to what you are feeling and what you are asking for. Your child is beautiful and precious, as all children are and I hope that you find people in your neighborhood, school community and in your life that can include him and make him feel beautiful and precious. And keep up the positive spirit- it’s the best way to teach those around you how to be inclusive.

  66. Hi my name is Adrian it’s nice to meet you what is your nameI saw your picture you’re covered in chocolate and marshmallows my favorite dessert

  67. Beautiful story. I think it justdoes not occur to most parents to come over to meet him: first thought is to correct the thing their child said that was wrong. Thank you for opening our eyes.

  68. Thank you for sharing your sons story. Our thoughts and prayers go with you in his journey. This article really hits home for us. It is very difficult for the child, for the family too but for the child it is heartbreaking. Our grandson Aidan who we raise has 3 medical conditions. 2 of those conditions cause remarks from others. Hurtful remarks. Though thankfully at his school since he is now in the 3 rd grade & has been there since starting kindergarten. There he is not faced with remarks unless from a new student. They have came there to know Aidan for himself not how his medical issues make him different. Aidan has cherubism. Which is a rare disease that causes tumors in his jaws & distorts his face, teeth & eyes. It may get worse in adolescents. We don’t know but if so it will get more distorted & will need major surgeries. Also he has PVNS which he has already had 4 surgeries for & will continue to have in the years to come. This condition impedes his walking. He uses a walker & a wheelchair. There is much more to how all of his medical conditions affect his life. This is a major challenge for him every day but being a child &, being viewed as different & being treated differently due to these issues is the hardest thing. Especially as he gets older because he realizes what the looks & remarks are all about. Aidan is such a joyful child, kind to everyone he meets. We are always thankful for those that we do meet who do take time to meet Aidan & look beyond the medical impairments & see the wonderful young man that he is.

    • Thank you for sharing that with me ❤ I bet he is one awesome boy! Sending prayers and hugs to Aidan, I bet he is one awesome kid!

  69. Hi there, I’m not really one to comment on other people’s personal stories, mostly because I’m not quite good with words + I generally feel like it’s not my place to comment on other people’s affairs. But your story has touched me. I just wanted to say with all that Jameson has gone through, I have no doubt he would grow up to be strong and kind. I don’t have kids of my own yet, but your post has made me realise that of all the values a parent can impart to his/her child, kindness should be one of the most – if not the most – important ones. I wish for Jameson to never be bothered by these people who don’t know better and that he will always live life happy. When he’s old enough to understand, let him know that for each person who makes fun of him because he looks a bit different, there will be two others who are cheered by that sweet face and smile.

  70. I really appreciate this post. The other day walking through Target my child pointed out two little girls that to him seemed different. In that moment of panic and embarrassment I had no clue how to handle it except that tell him “it’s not nice to talk about others”. It’s often so hard to know how to handle things because everyone takes things so differently. I will from now on talk about how nice that child probably is and how they probably have lots in common. I hope that I can remember your words next time I’m in this situation so I don’t handle it the wrong way. I also have to say, thank you for recognizing that people don’t do or say things from a spot of hatred. It’s normally ignorance, having no clue what to do.

    • Thank you. I find myself not knowing what to do when my own children do and say things (even though Jameson looks different he still has no filter and doesn’t quite understand boundaries yet, lol). Every situation is different so you kind of have to go with the flow 😉

  71. I just read this post on Huffington Post and it touched my heart. I have been around kids that have said these sort of comments, and I always didn’t know what to say. I love your reply and if I am ever in that situation, I will for sure go and meet the child. Even as an adult with no children around me, it is a great thing to go and meet them. I always smile, but I think introducing yourself will help a child and maybe brighten their day.

  72. I just read your post and am sobbing. What a heart-breaking story — I hate to see kids made fun of. Thank you for your courage in writing this….calling people out for their insensitivity. I pray your story will make other think. Please give your precious little boy a hug from me. He is so beautiful!

  73. Hey! I was smiling wen I finish reading this. I remembered while being preg with my daughter. The doctor told me my baby’s nose is shorter than the usual baby’s length. And it might be a down syndrome baby. Although I didn’t go through the tests, I told myself that I was prepared for the outcome. And thankfully my daughter was born a normal baby. But if she was not, I don’t know how will I endured the stares and remarks.

    I have to say that u as a mother had done a great job in caring for ur kids. No matter what people say, be happy that u have them. And I may not understand ur feelings when people made hurtful comments, but know that he is a beautiful kid. God gave him to u because He knows u can go through this.

    Be strong! And god bless. 😊

  74. He is absolutely beautiful. I have taught my boys that saying mean things isn’t nice and if you hear them to make sure they tell the bully those aren’t nice word they hurt. My son has a abnormally large head and ears with a little nose and pointed chin. I tell him to say yes I am different that’s what makes me special! He deserves love too.

  75. As a foster parent of kids with special needs, I found a pro-active approach worked well. Taking advantage of a teachable moment, I would introduce the child with me to the other, with a bit of explanation.
    “He doesn’t talk, but he is very friendly, and laughs a lot.”
    The one with CP, got a power chair when she was eight. Hallowe’en saw cardboard and paint transform it into a race car, and every kid on the block wanted one, too.

  76. Hes beaitiful. There is no words to describe the feeling of watching our children feel left put or discouraged because they look or act differently! I struggle with this as well with my 6 year old son ..he has CP and he is in a wheelchair. And cannot talk. He is the most amazing boy. He is no diff then any other child. He is the light of my world

  77. Hey there! All.the way from Singapore. Just wanna say. Jameson is really adorable. If I would ever meet him one day I would like to know him and you as well. Thank you for the beautiful article. 🙂

  78. Hi I don’t know if you have received a diagnosis for Jameson but he has lots of similar facial features of a rare disorder my daughter has so new it’s only referred to it by the genetic mutation PACS1. He seems to have the same cute round nose wide set eyes and low set ears as the other children we’ve found, about 17 in the world . Please email me if you like to talk more , hugs to you and your handsome young man!!

  79. I just wanted to let you know that while this may be something he has to deal with during his childhood, it may be less of an issue than you think as he grows up. I went to high school with a young man who I thought had FAS, although he was in honors classes and had no developmental issues, so I don’t know the real cause of his facial changes (wide set eyes, etc). Anyway, he was very popular. I don’t ever recall him being teased, he got along well with the other kids, he went to dances with girls, etc. So while he may experience some isolation now, that doesn’t mean that is how his life has to be! I wish Jameson all the best, and may more people embrace him in their lives. I think if I had a child that said he looked funny, I’d response, “I think he looks like a little boy, let’s go say hi!”

  80. Hi Jameson, my name is Allen. I just read what your mother wrote and Had to take the time to say Hello to a wonderful young man and his family. I don’t have children of my own, but love helping my friends and family with theirs because of the wonderful ways any child can view things, ways that we adults have forgotten or have been taught to repress. I am truly glad your mother introduced you to the world and I wish you and your family a long and happy life. May it be filled with wonders and adventure!

    P.S. What a wonderfully innocent, loving expression in the picture.

    • Love your reply, Allen! I also see the beauty in Jameson’s happy little face! I have two beautiful man children who have #Autism, and we/they have endured countless ugly stares and comments from strangers throughout the years. I’m sure that we’ll always endure this. It hurts. Sometimes a lot. However, people like you make a big difference in our lives. So, though your words weren’t directed to my family, I truly appreciate them! #thankyou

  81. Hi!
    I just recently came across your site and this post as made me all teary. I just can’t imagine what your poor boy must be going through. My eight year old saw me and asked what was wrong, I showed him Jameson’s picture and asked if he would play with him. He said no, I asked why and I have to admit I laughed at his answer, he thought the chocolate from the smores was blood. Once I explained that it was chocolate, he said would play with him. Have hope and don’t forget there are kids out there that don’t mind how people look, they just care if they are bleeding. 🙂

  82. Jameson is a very beautiful child. I know how hard it is to watch a child struggle and go through so much. My sister and nephew both were born with cleft lips and pallets and it was hard watching them go throug surgeries and to have people stare and make comments about the way they looked. My nephew is now 17 and my sister is in her 30s and they are the most beautiful people I have ever seen. They are not just beautiful on the outside but on the inside. My nephew is one of the most popular boys in school and even has a very pretty girlfriend. He still has surgeries he needs but refuses to get because he says he likes who he is and if other people don’t that’s their problem. Keep your head up and let Jameson know how special he is to you and very one else in his life that’s all you can do. I pray he knows how wonderful he is and how much of a blessing he is. He will grow up to be one of the most well rounded and caring men alive because of what he’s gone through. I pray that your family is safe on your travels to the hospital and home again. And I hope Jameson recovers quickly from all his surgeries. Much love to Jameson and much respect to his momma for being his strength.

  83. As someone who also looks different (I have hemangioma and my nose lips and right ear were destroyed when I was an infant) I understand your plea! I would MUCH rather someone engage in a conversation with me and ask about my differences instead of stare (often in disgust). I may look different from others, but my heart works just the same!
    Sweet Jameson will be in my prayers. He is beautiful.
    And don’t worry dear momma, there is an inner strength in us that’s hard to defeat! 😉

    • This is perfect! My Daughter has Downs Sydrome and your exact attitude! she loves when people ask her questions ! I agree about the inner strength. Courtney is now 32 and sassy as all get up! She loves people and they love her!

  84. As someone who also looks different (I have hemangioma and my nose lips and right ear were destroyed when I was an infant) I understand your plea! I would MUCH rather someone engage in a conversation with me and ask about my differences instead of stare (often in disgust). I may look different from others, but my heart works just the same!
    Praying for sweet Jameson. He is beautiful.
    And don’t worry dear momma, there is an inner strength in us that is hard to defeat! 😉

  85. He is beautiful and I see his love, light and joy! As I read your posts and look at your pictures, I think your pain may be even greater than his. I will hold your entire family in my prayers. My heart believes your sweet little boy will be •just fine •! It would be am honor to meet you both.

  86. I work with many children who look visibly different and your heart-felt post has found a warm welcome and recognition among many of these families (and also many other parent friends of mine, yay!). Many advocacy groups promote the active use of a strategy known as “explain – reassure – distract”: https://www.changingfaces.org.uk/your-child/handling-other-people%27s-reactions – well-done for having discovered these precepts yourself and being such a great example to other parents. Thank you! Your James is indeed adorable.

  87. Thank you for this. At the beginning, I was thinking about what I would do if my daughter said anything. She’s six, and I’ve had a hard time figuring out how to teach her about being honest about her feelings and thoughts but also having manners, and knowing when NOT to say something. I’m sure you have this same issue with your six year old. Well, you answered my question with exactly what I was thinking. Explain that everybody looks different on the outside, let’s go meet him and see what kind if person he is inside. Sometimes I will watch shows, so she can make her comments in the privacy of our own home, and I can teach her about treating others how she wants to be treated. This has helped. I teach her that everyone looks different on the outside, if we all looked the same, how boring would that be?!

  88. I feel how you are feeling in these situations, I have a brother, only 16 month older than myself, with Apert syndrome. So we grew up with the same classmates and friends, although my elder brother, Rasmus, only has me and our childhood friend in the last category. And I have always and still is finding it hard to deal with people looking, when we go to see a film or what ever. And it have been tough for me but especially him to grow up with all this.

    I like that you ask people to include young Jemeson in the experience and let them get to know him for the person his is.

    I would as a younger brother wished that people would have done this more often to my dear brother, and I known that he remembers his young days as everyone else.

    Keep up the good spirit and all well to you and your beautiful son, Jameson. ❤

  89. Thank you for educating us. Sometimes we don’t know how to handle a difficult situation, but taught us what we can do. You are an amazing mother to a wonderful, lovable and adorable child.

  90. I just wanted to let you know I think he is absolutely adorable. My daughter has Aicardi syndrome and is 3 years old she is non verbal non mobile. I understand how u feel. The one thing that is truly offensive to me is people asking ” what’s wrong with her” I tell them absolutely nothing she is exactly how God made her, and then explain what she has. Its so frustrating to see parents condone insensitive behavior just because they don’t have the courage to come up and speak to the parents of special needs children, much less teach their children to be open and accepting of the differences in this world.

  91. This is beautifully written. I love his little happy s’mores face picture! He is wonderfully made just the way that God wove him in your tummy…a perfect little gift from Heaven. 🙂

  92. This is beautifully written. I love his little happy s’mores face picture! He is wonderfully made just the way that God wove him in your tummy… a perfect little gift from Heaven! Never forget that yourself and never let him forget that.

  93. Thank you for sharing your family’s story. Your post was touching and really made me think about how I approach these discussions with my children.

    My approach has been to be matter of fact about differences and then try to point out some similarities that will help her relate and identify – like ‘yes Jameson has big eyes. They look different. But did you notice that his eyes are the same colour as yours? Or that it looks like he has been eating chocolate. I wonder if Jameson likes chocolate as much as you do. ‘ I think pretending that green block is red is foolish- it’s not honest or authentic. but we all have the capacity to like green blocks and red blocks as long we are taught that.

    Wishing you all the best. Enjoy your little man. And thank you.

  94. It only took me less than a minute to read this blog but you have taught me a lifetime lesson to which I can pass on to my 9 month old baby when he grows older. Thank you and I wish you, your beautiful son and your entire family a life full of love and happiness!

  95. Thank you SO MUCH for this post. You eloquently say what I have felt over and over again when out in public with my son. Blessings to Jameson and your family.

  96. What wonderful words your blog really touched my heart. Jameson is beautiful and you are both truly blessed to have each other. God gives unique children to unique people and it’s refreshing to read such an honest insight into your heart. Thanks for sharing xxx

  97. I think he’s absolutely adorable! Children these days can be so horrible, they make fun of everything they don’t understand but honestly the parents need to step up and guide them a little better.

  98. Wow… I just stumbled upon your blog this evening. A friend of mine had posted a link and all I saw was Jameson’s picture and to be 100% honest my first reaction was “he looks different, he is ADORABLE.” I wanted to know more. Look at those big, sweet eyes. I am a therapist, I am always intrigued by differences in the human body, whether subtle or not so subtle. Your baby is freaking adorable and I DO wish I could meet him! Haha!

  99. As an artist I’m attracted to visually interesting beautiful people and things. Your son is beautiful. He is unique and if his memory is any indication, he is going to be brilliant. Keep being the exceptional Mom you are, Jameson is blessed and so are you.

  100. Hi there, I ran across your recent post as I was scrolling through my Facebook newsfeed and I felt compelled to leave you a comment. As I looked at Jameson’s beautiful sweet face, I instantly felt peace and knew that I was looking at the face of a beautiful angel that our Heavenly Father sent down to grace us with his sweet spirit. You are absolutely right, he is NOT scary. He is strong, courageous, beautiful and like every other little boy out there. ALL kids are different and unique in their own way. How grateful I am that this sweet little angel was sent to a wonderful Mommy like you who would love him with all of your heart, do what is needed to ensure his happiness and protect him with every ounce of you. He is one lucky little boy to have a Mommy like you. I also believe with all of my heart that we aren’t given anything we can’t handle and with that being said, both you AND Jameson obviously are strong enough to handle this life as hard or challenging as it may be. You’re doing an amazing job Mama!! My son Noah and I, would be so lucky to know the two of you!! ❤

  101. Thank you for sharing your family’s story and letting us know how to deal with what our children say when they see someone who looks different. My 13 y/o has a kind and gentle soul and is usually the kid who plays with the one who is the “outcast” or different from the “normal” kids for 2 reasons. She suffers from anxiety, even at 13, and doesn’t like to be around a lot of people. I think being around too many people is difficult for her. And secondly, she knows what it’s like to be set apart and doesn’t want others to suffer because they are different.
    Many hugs to you and your beautiful son.

  102. I think he’s beautiful and I know your pain. I preach acceptance, tolerance, and awareness everyday. I have also shared your story. Hugs from another mom who “gets it.”

  103. I’m a mom too (of an autistic 3 1/2 years old girl, a 17 months old boy and 31 weeks pregnant with our 3rd) and your post made me smile. Your son is not scary one bit, he is as lovely as every other kids. He have a wonderful smile and he’s lucky to have a mom like you. Every child is unique, every human is unique, there is no one who have the right to say things like that to your son. He will meet people in his life that will be mean.. because people are mean sometimes… like people who get joked about because they are not the type of beauty that we see on tv.. but he have to remember that true beauty is inside us, it’s who we are, how we act with others, how we care for others.. he have to keep his head up and remember that he is like everybody else, a beautiful human being. If only everyone on earth could read that post, they would understand that sometimes.. they can be mean without really noticing it. I’m teaching my kids that everybody is different, that no one is weird because they have an handicap, because they are small, fat or another color… we are all the same. I’m sending you tons of good vibes!

  104. As many have said before, thank you for writing this! I have a 3 year old and have been afraid how she would react if she came into contact with a special little one. I’m not any more! Thank you!

  105. Thank you for saying this. I could see myself being thunderstruck if my child said something like that. I think I would have been too mortified to say anything to the mother or child. I will follow your advice if this ever happens with my granddaughter who is 16 months and afraid of manikans, costumes, masks, busts, sculptures, or people with clown type makeup. I don’t know how she’ll react to a different child. (We’re working hard to help her overcome this fear.)

  106. Your article is helpful. My older children grew up with my first cousin who had down syndrome, and my brother has a disorder that is similar to dwarfism, so all our kids were very accepting of people with differences. With our youngest, my cousin is sadly no longer around, but she is still a very compassionate little girl (although she does ask innocent questions, never meaning to be harmful). Although we do explain things to her, and tell her it isn’t nice to point out differences, I don’t think I would have thought to approach and actually introduce her to strangers.
    I think your little boy is beautiful, as are all children, all in their own way 🙂

  107. Your message is beautiful and so is your little boy. I read this out loud to my children, I wanted them to hear every word. I assure you there are kind people in this world, but sadly there aren’t many. I will share your story, in hopes to reach more moms.

  108. Oh my goodness, he is SO precious! I mean, heart – piercing, happy tears in my eyes precious! Have no fear Momma, the Lord has BIG plans for your sweet boy. He will have eyes to see this world differently because of the obstacles he has had (and will) endure and overcome in this life. That is an amazing gift. What a blessing he is to us all! I sure hope I run in to you both one day, I wouldn’t be able to resist a hug, I would be the one scaring him! Ha!

  109. Many blessings for you and your beautiful son, and thank you for sharing your uplifting stories, your challenges and your dreams here with us other moms. Many of us, working together change prejudices into understanding, and fear into love. I feel compelled to share something that occurred in my life with my child.

    My son brought home a book from the library last school year as part of his reading program. The name of the book was Wonder (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wonder_%28R.J._Palacio_novel%29). The story is about a family with a boy that has undergone many surgeries after birth defects, and has some facial features some would call uncommon. The story is beautifully told, about the boy’s transition from a special needs school to a full engagement private school, going from being isolated, to being thrust into and experiencing other children, when he is around 5th grade. The story is told first from the perspective of the little boy, then shifts to his older sister’s perspective of having her norm zone dominated by her special needs brother’s transition, then turns once more to telling the tale from the perspective of one of the school children who befriends the boy, and really comes to admire and cherish the boy as one of their best friends. My son cried when he read the story, and he wanted me to read the story too, and tell him what I felt about it. How could I say no (and of course I cried).

    Today, as I came across your blog, relating to her child’s interaction among others, mothers and children, describing some situations that have inevitably played out around you and your son, I was struck by the similarities of fiction to life, and my own teachings for my child, as he and I have encountered individuals in their diversity. I have not shirked from letting him know if candid comments may be hurtful to someone. I remind him that words we express can be hurtful in the way we express them, even though that may not have been what we intended in expressing them. I also worked to refocus his attentions to find positive associations, common ground and open doors to understanding and friendships. My child has faced his own challenges and tests, and though they are not in the same class as your families health challenges and circumstances, I have taken pains to explain to him, all of his life, about loving others, in spite of diversity, and that in spite of apparent differences, we all have common hearts that feel love and pain the same ways. I was heartened by the expression of his compassion, as well as his consideration.

    I am blessed with a child who’s heart as is big seems to be as wide and deep as my own, because he gets love, and he gives it back too to the world. I will do all in my power to protect his kindness, his tenderness for others, and his compassion for fellow beings, no matter how great or small. That is the gift, I as a parent can give the world. The kind of child that sees, understands, cares and supports to help others because he who is least among us, deserves just as much regard as he who is greatest among us, the same regard we would like ourselves to be treated with. May your path be blessed with others who live and love in this same spirit, people you can not help but view as gifts and treasures through your experiences of them. We all have it in us, we just forget how to let it out. You have a beautiful mentality, thank you again for sharing your tales.

    • Thank you, such kind words!! All parents are truly blessed, children are such a gift! Wonder – I have heard about the book, about a month ago. I haven’t had a chance to read it yet, but I know I’ll get a good cry when I do 😉

  110. Your baby is beautiful! Such a handsome boy….sending love from El Paso, Texas. May he now and forever be in the Lord’s loving hands…..God bless!!

  111. Jameson is just adorable. Just like with my 5 year old, I want to eat the cheeks right off his face! Thank you for this sweet post and for the encouragement to this momma who may be one of the awkward ones. 🙂

  112. Thank you for writing this! I was also born with craniosynotosis, I officially have Crouzons syndrome but I also have some characteristics of Pfeiffers. 13 surgeries and 25 years later, I have come to accept the stares that I’ve received over the years. I appreciate articles like this and am thrilled to see that it has already touched so many people. The world needs to embrace differences, not shun them!

    Just know that your son is strong and is so blessed to have a mother that will take up for him like this. The thing that got me through the difficult times was my extremely supportive family that God blessed me with.

    Thank you again, this touched me so much!

      • I’m 25 and I had my last surgery when I was 16, so it’s been a few years! I appreciate you advocating for awareness, I think that is so important!

        I included my email address on here, if you ever want to chat more, I would love that!

  113. I’m a mommy to a Jameson as well. When I saw your blog post on Facebook, I first thought it was a younger age photo of my friend’s son.

    Thank you for sharing such a lovely post. I loved the gentle reminder to reach out and say hi. Thank you for that!

  114. Your son Jameson is PRECIOUS, not scary at all. My 4 year old daughter smiled at his picture and said she will be friends with him oneday- she just knows it. It made me smile. If people do not appreciate him, it is their loss. I hope he has your strength growing up because this is a horrible word but he will have a lot to offer. He looks like a very smart and good hearted little boy.

  115. Thanks so much for your article. I can so relate! My son Tyler has Pfeiffer’s syndrome as well. He’s 7 and in the 2nd grade. We’ve had many positive experiences but definitely moments where I was near tears, not knowing what to do. Mostly children saying things like “he looks weird”, “he looks like an alien” or “what’s wrong with his eyes?” Since kindergarten I’ve had the opportunity to talk about him to his class when he was the “VIP” of the week. I point out things that Tyler likes that they might like as well (Legos, baseball, swimming) and then talk about how everyone is a little different, different colored hair, different shaped ears, etc. I have to say that luckily he loves school and is well-liked. Everyone knows who Tyler is. He was born with a very friendly personality, courage to handle his many surgeries and is sensitive to others. I think those qualities are such a blessing for him in his life. Your son is just adorable! Good luck with everything in the future. You’re awesome!

      • Hello jameson’ saw your articlr on huffpost today:)
        Today is my birthday and I wish for you to stay strong and live like anybody else. Live life normally like everyone; do not let anyone pull you down . I love you kiddo:) you are not different, just unique

        mommymeyer I agree; a child remembers everything even when they grow up. It’ sad that kids these days do not think first before saying things, sometimes it is not right to let them say stuff just because they are kids. I hope jameson stays strong about life. And you miss meyer, stay strong and healthy to guide jameson on his journey ..
        I dont know your email and cannot find the comment box ss I just replied on this comment of someone

    • Julie, could I please ask what vip of the week is? It sounds like something my children’s school should implement. I personally think that we should explain to children if other children are different my daughter being one of them. Then there isn’t this speculation from parents mainly being misinformed. Most kids generally just hear the differences then just accept it especially if you get them early enough.

      • Our preschool and kindergarten classes did that. It gives kids a chance to tell everyone about themselves – their favorite food, their family, their favorite book. Usually, the kids bring in a picture of their family, too.

      • Each child is the VIP for a week (usually around his/her birthday). The parent makes a poster of pictures, favorite things, etc. and comes into the classroom to talk about the VIP. My experience is that Tyler will stand with me and help me talk about his poster and answer questions from his classmates. Usually the questions are things like “what’s your favorite color?” or “what’s your favorite food?” Sometimes they will ask about a picture on his poster of when he was a baby and had a cleft lip. I also include a picture of him recovering from skull surgery and that will spark questions. He gets to be line leader and teacher’s helper all week. It’s a common practice at the public school he goes to; all teachers in kindergarten,1st, 2nd and I think 3rd grade do it.

  116. Hi little Jameson! I really hope you realize (I’m sure you do) what a wonderful mummy you have! Bless you all and enjoy every single moment of your lives together! 🙂

  117. Your post showed up on my FB page and it was a sweet and thought-provoking read. It actually got me thinking along the lines of what an earlier commenter said about the learning opportunity that Jamison has to offer to those other parents and their children.
    Parents, do your own kid a favor when they come across somebody different like that. Use it as a chance to show them that different is not just Ok, it can be awesome. Sure it’s nice for the “funny-looking” kid to be treated right, but as a parent, you can’t let a chance like that get by. That’s the problem with different: it doesn’t come along every day.
    What’s more, I hope your sweet son grows up with a strong sense of his own value because of his uniqueness, not in spite of it. And I hope, along with all the other things that will blossom in him as he grows up, he learns early how gratifying it is to reach out and teach that lesson to someone else.

  118. Thank you for sharing this. I think his big eyes let you look right into his equally big heart… and thank you for telling us how you’d like us to greet your situation. If this comes up with me and my kids I will now know how to react! 🙂 As a person who wore skirts every day through public school on account of my religion/belief system I have had a tiny tiny taste of what it’s like when you get scorned for your appearance and dismissed based on assumptions people make about you with one glance. The best lesson we can probably teach one another is how it feels to walk in someone else’s shoes for a day and how we are all one split second accident away from our own appearance changing. God Bless you guys and keep spreading your wonderful messages. 🙂

  119. Thank you for this. I have two sons, my youngest just a month younger than Jameson. I will be teaching them the lessons I learned from your post. J is just precious!

  120. thank you for your beautiful and gracious reminder of how we treat people with our words and actions….. you are helping to EDUCATE others…. some people don’t know HOW to react and this post will help start some discussion and i know i will be sharing it with my children….. it’s never too early to start.

  121. Jameson is absolutley beautiful! And you are a terrific mom!
    Good Book… “Just The Way I Am” by Krista Horning
    It’s on Amazon.

    • I second this book! So so wonderful. We are often talking to our children that everyone is made in Gods image, exactly how they are supposed to be, and that we honor and glorify God by showing His love to others.

  122. I just stayed up until 3 in the morning to read your entire blog and I am so in love with your child! He is so sweet and happy and it melts my heart to see such a beautiful child grow and develop. Your family has been through so much and you are all so brave and courageous and I am so proud of you (strange thing to say to a complete stranger but nonetheless, true.) You have come up against so many struggles and hardships and you have managed to give both your children such wonderful lives filled with love and joy. It’s absolutely wonderful to see. I am a newly wed who is seriously considering getting pregnant in the next year. I am looking forward to the journey of motherhood and I know that when I bring a child into this world that I want to be the very best person I can be for my child. I want my children to have wonderful experiences and to learn about people who are different than themselves and embrace those differences. I truly think that what makes us different is also what makes us beautiful. I also believe that those things we overcome in life are what makes us better, more compassionate people and I know that your children will grow into fine adults because they have had great parents to guide them.
    Stay strong 🙂

  123. Thank you for sharing Jameson with us! I just saw your blog on Huff Post and feel blessed to be introduced to you and your family through your blog! I look forward to reading more. Have a great day!

  124. I am so so sorry for the people and parents in this world that dont explain the differences in children to there kids we all have differences thats what make us all wonderful My kids and my grandkids have been taught to smile and ask if they are unsure or dont understand they participate in special olympics as mentors and supporters because they want to help God Bless Jameson and you are a smile that I would love to see looking at me lil guy …..

  125. Thanks so much for this post. My kids hurting others feelings is not okay but I just never knew how to deal with it outside of telling them it’s not acceptable and not nice. We will definitely introduce ourselves from now on!

  126. Thank you so much for sharing this. Jameson is beautiful–you can see that sparkle in his eyes! And honestly? It helps to hear how to approach a child if one of my children notices differences. I would probably tell them to be nice and try to brush it under the rug just because I don’t know what to do/say. But you are so right–we are all in this world together with so many similarities. It’s so important to teach our kids that. I’m embarrassed to say that I would have also been another mom to avoid you. Not anymore….I sincerely thank you for opening my eyes. God bless your lovely family.

  127. THANK YOU FOR THIS POST! I often wonder how to respond to my children when they notice something different or out of their ordinary on another person. Luckily – they don’t just blurt it out. They’ll usually whisper it to me or I’ll just notice them looking for a bit longer. I always explain to them that God made each of us in our way and that it doesn’t matter how we look. Next time, I will take the time to introduce ourselves to the family!

  128. This is beautiful. My cousin was born with Aperts nearly 30 years ago. She wasn’t expected to live more than 3 years. She graduated high school and is in college. She’s a computer wizard too! She still lives at home and has a lot of health issues but she has an amazing spirit and full of love.

    Julie has has innumerable surgeries on her feet and hands (born webbed) and back (severe scoliosis ) and face. She is smart articulate and beautiful.
    My kids who are 4 and 9 still ask me questions about her appearance but my answer is always “that is how God made them and they are beautiful-just like you”.
    After reading your post I will make a stronger effort to go up and introduce myself and family to kids who need to FEEL like they are included in this life journey. Thank you.

  129. I am a new momma of a 14 month old boy. Your words were wonderful and important to hear as I help guide my little one in the world. He is young, can’t yet talk and openly stares at everything and everyone. I appreciate the guidance and plan to remember this going forward. THANK YOU SO much for sharing your little boy wonder with us all!

  130. Thank you for sharing your story! When the opportunity strikes I always make it a point to take my kids over to play with and introduce ourselves to families who’s kids are “different” I often don’t know if they will take it as me being “fake” or “trying to hard” but It’s genuine, I want my kids to see and include everyone. Your family is beautiful and deserving of all good things x

    • Thank you do much for those words.I’m so happy for him to have such a loving mother.I know what it feels to be different.My son has autism and at first maybe you don’t notice but many times other children won’t play with him when they see he can’t talk and acts different from what they consider normal.That breaks my heart sometimes too.But I have found a few other kids that don’t care and still offer to play.Hope your little boy finds many loving friends too and may God give him lots of good health to him and the rest of your family.With all my heart I send lots of hugs and good wishes.

  131. I just read this post on Huffington Post. Thank you for sharing your story. I especially appreciate the advice of what to do if your child does say something out loud about someone else’s appearance. I am the first time mother of a toddler and as he grows I hope to teach him to embrace everyone, but I’m glad to now know what to do if something does slip out.

    Jameson is adorable and I wish you and your family well.

  132. If you have not read the book Wonder before, it relates to this topic. The author was inspired to write the book based on her own child making a comment or asking a question (my memory is a little bit fuzzy right now) about another child’s face. The moment stuck with her and what started as her getting her feelings on the page led to her writing a book. As a teacher, I noticed the book catching popularity in classrooms based on teacher comments online and then in my own classroom. It really made students think about the way kids interact. http://www.amazon.com/Wonder-R-J-Palacio/dp/0375869026/ref=tmm_hrd_title_0?ie=UTF8&qid=1411999133&sr=8-1

    The book is told from different perspectives, but when I saw the author speak at a conference, she mentioned that she never had it from the perspective of the main bully because she did not want to give him a platform. However, I noticed that last year she wrote his chapter as a Kindle single: http://www.amazon.com/Julian-Chapter-Wonder-Kindle-Single-ebook/dp/B00IBZ5YKW/ref=la_B005MESU4C_1_3?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1411999193&sr=1-3 I haven’t read that one though.

  133. As a parent to two little ones we would definitely come up and say hello to you Jameson! You look like you would be a tonne of fun, although our girls can get rowdy… I hope you wouldn’t mind. And your Mum is simply the best and writes great articles about how hard, beautiful and challenging being a parent is. Bless you all and your amazing family.

  134. Hello from Portugal! 🙂 Your post was really important to teach me to how to teach my kid! Thank you! Oh, and i think your son is beautiful!!

  135. This beautiful article made me tear up. I believe that you have fundamentally changed how I will approach such situations with my daughter when she gets a bit older. My hesitation is that I have also read articles from parents complaining about people who try to use their children for teachable moments. I’ve seen parents say that their kids are not lessons to be taught, and that they just want to go on with their days like everyone else. However, even if I don’t approach, I will 100% think of your sweet son and let your suggestions guide what I tell her. Thank you for vocalising your perspective.

  136. Sending so much love and strength to your little ray of sun shine. May he grows up to be compassionate, intelligent and strong. God be with you.

  137. Your blog popped up on my facebook page and I am so happy I took the time to read it.When my kids where little they nudged me with their elbows or whispered to me when they saw a child that was different. And like the mothers in your post I gave them an explanation and the parent an embarrassed smile. I was afraid to say something, I did not want it to be misunderstood as pity…How I wish I had taken the opportunity to say “Hello”. All the missed opportunities for us to make new friends.

  138. Pingback: Bloggerhood Etc. 9/29/14 | Fatherhood Etc.

  139. Jameson is a beautiful little boy. God has a special plan for everyone and he is surely your blessing in life. Lots and lots of hugs and love for your sweet little boy. Keeping your family in my heart and prayers. ♥

  140. I hope that I get to meet him some day so that I can give him a hug (if he would like one, that is). If y’all are ever visiting Fort Davis National Historic Site (it’s in West Texas), there’s a smile, a hug, and a high-five from a ranger waiting for little Jameson.

  141. Your story really touched me this Monday morning. Jameson is a beautiful little boy and you’re a great mama. This reminded me of when I was a little girl, and a boy in my class had Alopecia. I remember being confused about why he didn’t have hair or eyebrows like the other kids. One day his mom, who also had Alopecia, came into class and read us the book “Rainbow Fish To The Rescue,” and after she explained about Frankie’s disease, and how even though he looked different, he was just like all of the rest of us.

    I am 29 years old and still remember this from 2nd grade. Taught me a great lesson. Just wanted to share. God bless you and your family!

  142. I saw this post on FB and the first thing I thought was how cute your son is! He brought a smile to my face this morning, as I’m sure he does for many people. We live in a world where true beauty isn’t always excepted. But your son is that true beauty!! So thank you for sharing your story and his picture it made my day : )

  143. Such a beautiful open face. You can feel he’s a kind, pure, mischievous normal little boy. He will face challenges. But that’s what makes us extraordinary. I’m so impressed with you mom! You’re lucky to have each other.

  144. I showed my 3 year old boy the picture of Jameson and his face lit up, his eyes got big, and he turns and looks at me and says with a big smile “He’s got chocolate! “

  145. I have a cousin who has this. He was born with webbed hands and feet and has a metal plate in his head. They separated his fingers but left his toes webbed. He is now in his 60’s and is so independent. He lives on his own, works at a water treatment plant and he helped take care of my Grandmother until she died a couple years ago. He is like a brother to my mother. I love him dearly and growing up (I’m in my 30’s) he was very “normal” to me. I wish your Jameson a happy, loving life like our Robert has had.

    • Hi Jameson, my name is Marchell, and the first time I saw your face I smiled and thought what an adorable little man. I have a 4 yr old and when I showed her your picture, she laughed and said….”he has an ice cream mustache just wike (like) me. I bet his faebrit (favorite) is shocklate (chocolate) but mine is banilla (vanilla)”. I asked her is that all she sees, and she said his ears look red because he has rubbed them.

  146. I showed my 3 year old little girl Jameson’s picture and asked her what she thought about him and she said “he’s soooooo cute, but he’s messy. I think i want to play with him. That would make me super happy”. Nothing out of the ordinary. Hearing her say that makes me so proud of her. Jameson is so handsome and he is so lucky to have such a wonderful mommy like you.

  147. Im sure this has already been addressed but I have a question for Jameson’s Mom and other parents in a similar situation. When my children notice someone who looks different and mention or ask I tell them “because people come in all shapes and sizes and colors. Its wonderful that there is such diversity!”. Is that offensive? Is there a better suggestion?

    My son also has special needs but you cant see them. I remind him of his friends at school (for special needs children)

  148. Pingback: He’s Not Scary, He’s a Little Boy | Awareness

  149. What a nice article!! Your son is beautiful!!
    I never would’ve thought to introduce myself if my child said that. I would’ve figured the person on your end would just be annoyed after hearing that.
    I teach my children to be kind and respectful of people but when they’re little, you can’t control what they say sometimes.
    It was nice to hear your perspective.

  150. thanks for sharing this many times I’ve seen children who look different and I just tell my son that’s not nice to say when he says something inappropriate I never thought of approaching and saying hi, will def be trying that 🙂

  151. Thank you! I too am the mother of a “different” child, and even I don’t know how to react when my kids notice people who are physically different. We are taught to teach our children that everyone is the same, but that is a lie. No two people are the same. We should celebrate the differences in our lives -whether physical, cultural, or otherwise. I’m one of those moms who would tell their kid “that’s not nice”, but I promise you it’s because I couldn’t ever think of a different way to address the comment that wouldn’t further emphasize your child’s differences, and I would never, ever want to hurt him. But now I know exactly how to respond and I will do exactly that from this point on.

  152. Cute kid 🙂 I like your suggestions about encouraging people to introduce themselves and their children to Jameson. It sounds like he’s in good hands. Not everyone would be as patient with other people when subjected to such reactions. It is good to hear from the comments that you have lots of supporters. I don’t know Jameson, nor do I think I’ll ever meet him, but I think what he needs more than fans are friends, and above that, the love and support of his family. So here’s hoping for this blog to provide awareness and enable Jameson to have opportunities to meet the right people, but I just hope this blog doesn’t go viral and get the wrong kind of attention.

  153. This brought tears to my eyes. Your son is precious and he was given such a wonderful Mommy! Love and happy thoughts to you and yours. Take care & be well.

  154. What a beautiful little boy with a beautiful mommy. I can assure you that if I ever had the pleasure of meeting Jameson I would most certainly want him to be a part of my world 🙂

  155. Hi Jameson!

    It’s important for you to know that everyone is special in their own way. Be a strong little boy for your Mom & show the world your beauty.

    Every day you will meet people that are mean or rude but they generally don’t understand the impact of what they are doing. Every day you will meet someone who brings sunshine into your world. This is life, it has two sides all the time.

    All my love, because you are beautiful just like every other human being with a good heart.

    Grow up to be the man who overcame adversity and is an ambassador for people that are different in some way. I do it every day and it brings me great joy.

  156. Thanks so much for this post and for giving a roadmap of what to do in this situation. It hasn’t happened so much with children for me and my kids, but with cashiers with disabilities at Target or volunteers with disabilities at our local children’s museum. I, too, am often taken aback and wonder what the right response is (other than reinforcing that saying something not nice is not nice). What if my child says, “What’s wrong with him/her?” How should that be addressed in a kind and compassionate way?

  157. I want to say that, I usually point out to my children (one is one the spectrum…that is ALWAYS a fun conversation) that any child who looks different likely isn’t all that different. Having said that, I love the idea of introducing them. I never would have thought to do that 🙂 So thank you! Thank you for saying that is it ok to do something like this. Thank you for saying it is ok for me make a beautiful life lesson out of this.

  158. I don’t believe I have ever read a story before that has touched me so deeply. I have read this three times now. Each time has brought tears to my eyes. This article is moving in many ways. The strength and courage it must have taken you is incredible. The amazing mother and family you are is truly remarkable. There is nothing scary about your son and it embarrasses me as a human being that people have used this word. Your son is a beautiful young man and it is my hope the world will one day get to recognize and acknowledge his beauty, not only on the outside, but also on the inside. From one parent to another, one family to another and one man who wishes he had a mother like you, thank you for sharing your story. God bless you, your family and your beautiful son.

  159. hi,
    i’m david from paris, sorry for my english level -10 😉
    i got 3 boys and its very difficult to make so that it is opened out, because all children’s are different, that must be even more difficle for you and your boy, you got be strong and make your job of mum all days for your baby and it will grow opened out in a family opened out.
    keep the smill your child is splendid, we wants to make him full with kiss :)))

    The father of an ill child.

  160. Thanks for sharing!!
    I have a little girl 8 months old and I’m sure this post will help me to be a better parent.
    Thanks for your idea of answer, maybe we could get it, maybe not but since today we have no excuses! 😉
    I wish you all the best, Jameson is a cute boy and with a mum like you he will be a very happy boy, I know that.
    Ciao, take care!

  161. I am a teenager and this poped up on my facebook. So i decided to read this,I agree one hundred percent,on this story, we look at people and notice the differences in others, but does it necessarily mean we need to point it out? I have AD/HD and since 4th grade I’ve been picked on and and fun of. i was brought down, but only to bring myself back up, some people say you can’t bring your self back up. or your to weak, or something on those lines. That is completely wrong for those who have been made fun of,picked on etc… We are actually the strongest because we know what being brought down is we know what bringing ourselves back up means, and when some one says you can never bring yourself back up. Hehe that’s where they are wrong. we bring ourselves back up to prove to who ever they were wrong. And those who are different, know how others feel, so some try to help others and bring them back up. I may have been bullied, picked on, or whatever you call it, I am actually proud to be different, same as every one else should, i am kind of glad to have been picked on, about a year ago it finally stopped. but the reason for being kind of glad, I know know how others feel when they go through the same thing I am able to relate to them,no matter, race, color, gender, etc… I hope your son Jameson doesn’t go through the same path other’s who are different like him go through. If i ever meet him, I will do it with a smile on my face, and probably say something different like, you got it, or you go little man. Lol or something like that. BUT one thing for you Jameson, Be proud of who you are and don’t let others bring you down. because all those people who do, show they are weaker than you, and they want to bring you down to meke themselves feel better.

  162. As I was finishing reading your article my 2 year old little girl jumped on my lap and saw the picture of your adorable boy. She said “look at that cute boy with his messy face! What’s his name?” She wants to know everyone’s names right now, including your son’s. I told her and she responded “I like that name! He’s my friend”. My husband and I always try to teach that every person is beautiful, I wish all parents would make that effort. Your son is precious, I hope he always knows that regardless of the mean comments of thoughtless people that he’ll encounter. Good luck to you!

  163. Thank you for this beautiful post. It is a great reminder, even for those of us without children. I wish we were kinder to one another because ultimately, don’t we all just want to eat smores & be happy! However, it has lifted my spirits to see all the positive & encouraging responses to your post & Jameson’s story. Wishing all the best to you & your beautiful family.

  164. God Bless you and Jameson. Wish we lived near you. You’re a great Mama and I know he’s got a great advocate in his corner. He’s beautiful. Please tell him there are lots of people who will take the time to see past the superficial differences. I’m sure he’s an amazing kid.

  165. Hello, I love the story and advice you
    gave . I work at the San Diego Zoo’s Safari Park. We recently (3 weeks ago ) had a leucistic waterbuck born. His name is Luke. Out of 20, 000 mammals born this is the first leucistic animal born at the park. So 1 out of 20,000 rare. Leucistic is when an animal is missing some pigment. So where his heard members are brown with a light colored ring around their tail Luke is white with a dark ring around his tale. Every animal who saw him knew he was different and treated him as so. Animals ran from him and some tried to be mean but his mom protected him. About a week ago the heard decided to accept him. He hangs out with the heard and with the other babies. If he gets scared or another animal tries to mess with him mom and dad are right there for him. Every does seem to accept him and his differences now. Every time I give a tour and see little Luke I point out that lots of people are different and sometimes people don’t know how to react to the difference. I share how Luke is different and now everyone accepts him. I share how special he is since he is the first of 20,000 of his kind. He was on the news and is in a video on the Safari Parks website because he is so special. Different is special just like your son. Working with the public I see so many different people and try my best to treat them the same as any other. I know I will definitely think of this story when I see people who may be different. I thought I’d share the story about Luke so that maybe you can share it with your son. You can find Luke on the San Diego Zoo’s Safari Park fb page or website. I think your son is a handsome boy and hope he knows this story of him will open many people’s eyes to how they treat others. Unfortunately there isn’t anything any of us could say that will make hurtful words hurt less but it will and probably already has made him a very strong individual. Thank you for sharing your son with the world.

  166. Oh, how this post makes me joyful and sad at the same time! Joyful because, as I look through your blog, I see an amazingly handsome little boy that I am grateful to “meet” and get to know (if only through the computer). Sad because, as I look through your blog, I see a little boy with an amazing smile and a beautiful spirit that most people will never see because they are too “scared” to get to know him. I am actually crying harder with each picture I see because all I see is a child who deserves to be loved and spoken to like any other child and it hurts my heart that the adults can’t talk to their children right then and correct them and teach them as they say hurtful things (whether they mean to or not). My apologies for rambling but God only gives “special” babies to special parents and apparently Jameson has some pretty awesome parents!!! May God continue to bless you and your beautiful family!

  167. Thank you for the wonderful blog He’s not Scary. My daughter Courtney (who is now 32) has Downs Sydrome, we had and still have the same problems. I would however try to engage the children in conversation and taught Courtney to be proud of her differences and show them with pride. She would show the kids how she had just one line on the palms of her hands a Simian Line she would explain and proudly display them for the kids, or let them peer into her eyes and see the Brushfield spots. She let them see that she had even more “cool differences” then they could see at first glance. She has no problem talking about what makes her different and unique, even in scientific terms. I loved it, especially when the kids responded with more questions for her or I. I learned to give the parents a look that said it was okay! It didn’t always work but many times it did. A few of the kids even added, “she really isen’t that wierd Mom she is kinda like me.” Or they would show Courtney what they had that was different from others. We still get looks and stares and I still am hurt by it, but I hope this world is becoming more accepting of kids and adults like your Jameson and my Courtney. I wish I could write as well as you cause I do have much to say, I am just awful at writing. Please keep up the posts! It is going to help not only you and your beautiful son, but the world we live in to be a better more accepting place.

    Sincerely, Susie

    P.S. Your doing an amazing awesome job! Bless you and yours!

  168. Jameson is the most precious little boy! I know he has a huge heart, just like his mommy! He is so lucky to have you in his life. More people need to open their eyes and see things the way you do. It’s truly inspiring. I wish him the absolute best. That smile melts your heart!

  169. Your message is so important! Although my children’s disabilities are invisible I’ve seen the stares from other kids when mine is having a fit. I appreciate how you are understanding the embarrassed parent appalled by their child’s reaction to your’s difference. I am one of those parents with impulsive and inappropriate kids who don’t know better and I appreciate the advice on how to handle when they do that! Thank you!!

  170. I DONT know what to say …..I m new mom and my baby is doing fine…..after having a child I just became more emotional….. Just the title of ur artical making me cry….m still crying…..plz people no child can b scary….he is so adorable ….god bless him … I know u will b just fine my child cause ur god is with u which is ur mom good luck

  171. Your son is adorable. . My wife and I have a son with Downs Syndrome and we get stares all the time. Once when he was younger (He’s 18 y/o now) he got quite a few stares one day at or local mall. It upset my wife something fierce, which in turn upset me. So I came up with an idea to keep 8 x 10 prints of our beautiful son and when we caught someone staring we simply hand them a print so they could look at our beautiful son all day/every day… and it made us smile too. Take care and God Bless You… Scott

  172. I love your post, and it’s really inspiring that you offer ways to interact that would be welcomed, it takes thought and it’s appreciated, I don’t have children to pass this knowledge on to, but there is always an opportunity to remember your comment and make a difference at some point in the world. Go you!!

  173. I wanted to say thank you for this post. I always wonder what the best way to react is, and I am extremely grateful for the wisdom you have provided. I now know how to be loving and friendly, and you have made one less parent who feels embarrassed and runs away with their “rude” child. Keep it up, all you need is to raise awareness! People want to do the right thing, we just don’t know how to do it. Again, thank you so much. 🙂

  174. I love this. I am a mother that practices what you ask. I remember the first time my 3 year old stared at someone in a wheelchair, she was scared of it, I knelt down beside her and explained what it was and asked the woman if my daughter could touch her chair and look at it closer. This woman was shocked. It’s better to ask than wonder or be scared. I’ve explained cerebral palsy and down syndrome to her. And we always say hello to the unknown. We’d play with you Jameson! I hope your article teaches all parents this.

  175. Thank you so much for your incredible thoughts! My son has autism. Though it is a far cry from your son’s syndrome and hardships, I still experience some small instances of isolation, glances, and kids’ remarks. “Why’s he acting funny?” “Why is he doing those weird things?” It’s difficult to explain autistic behaviors and tics to people. Your article hit home hard with me, and it warmed me so much!! I know our experiences are so different, and yours are probably much harder, but I just feel such a wonderful love for you and your son! I feel such a kinship with you because of the undying love we have for our sons. Thank you so much!!!

  176. You have a beautiful little boy! Thanks for sharing your amazing story! I teach my daughter that everybody’s beauty lies inside and with their personality!

  177. How lucky is your son to have such a special Mom and family and how lucky are you to have such a beautiful boy!

    Thank you for sharing your wonderful story. Wishing you much happiness!

  178. I just wanted to say thank you. I didn’t know what to say to my children if they saw some one different. I was afraid if i just started talk to the family that it might upset the family. I have tried to teach my 3 children by example. I hope when the situation arises I will not shy away from fear of embarrassment of what my child may have said or done. God bless you and your beautiful family.

  179. Your boys are very lucky to have a patient mom such as yourself. I know your family has confronted many challenges. I would really like to talk more via email.
    Sincerely embarrassed Mom.

    • He is a beautiful child. Love his smile an his sweet spirit. I have a great nephew with downs, so I understand some of what you go threw. He is with us all the time an always makes my day brighter! Love seeing pics of your precious boy!

  180. Wow this was such and inspiring article. I am so happy that you shared your thoughts with us. I too have a son withe the same disease. He is now 19 years old and away at college. My husband was born in 1966 withe the same disorder. Ao we went through all the genetic testing as well. So having experienced all of the same exact surgeries and hurdles has really a brought back tears but more importantly reading this article has allowed more awareness of this syndrome. Back in 1995 there wasn’t any social media so no one had ever heard of this. So very greatful for your strength and courage to help others out there dealing with this. Thank you so much. If I can ever be of any assistance or help please contact me. I was fortunate to have found the same surgeon that operated on my husband was able to operate on my son. I did go on to have two other children who did not have the same genetic disorder even after I was told this is dominate gene at 50 50 of happening again. Praise
    God. So I will enjoy watching your beautiful boy through his journey and will pray for you for strength and for your family.

  181. I just recently came across your site and have been captivated your story & your adorable little Jameson. He’s exactly the way God intended him to be & no one can take that away from him. And you are the mommy that he chose for Jameson because he knew you’d be the best for each other. He is exactly in between my boys (they are 2 years apart also born in January). I have been thinking so much about your latest post, I’m trying to figure out the best way to teach kindness and empathy to my boys, what are the best ways or words to use to teach them that it’s ok to have differences?

  182. The gift of love holds so true. My gift of love, just for you.
    For in our hearts we hear, the melodies of time.
    Please accept this inner peace as I give you what I have.
    Thank you for sharing your life with each of us.
    The love you share with all of us, makes us a better person.
    Thank you Jameson.

  183. He is absolutely beautiful!! Thank you for writing this because I’m not gonna lie I’m probably one of those moms that would’ve just said “now honey that’s not a nice thing to say” this made me open my eyes and my heart!!! I will always take this into consideration. God Bless you & yours; )

  184. People, and children, who are born with an uncommon uniqueness are often overlooked & sadly many are tormented by others because of it. What people fail to realize is that the “unique” persons’ have many wonderful traits & some hidden talents that “normal” persons’ dont usually have. I can say from experience that “unique” souls give unconditional love, bear no judgements against others, rarely tell a lie (unless they have that trait from their condition, respectively), are quick to forgive even when thier offender doesnt deserve it, and are able to maintain the endless curiosity & wonder all through their lives that is usually only reserved for young children exploring a big world. They appreciate all the little things we take for granted but shouldnt. And all they ask in return is for others to show a little kindness & compassion…to keep things simple & interesting and to interact with them as we would any other in a positive manner. I have known many “unique” souls of all different kinds. Growing up I guess I was kinda grouped in with them due to my lack of social skills and attention-scattered mind. I have many horrible physical scars from multiple surgeries at birth and this seemed to be a point to which other kids took advantage of in a cruel manner. So I know what it is like to be unfairly marginalized, even as an adult. But I can honestly say one thing for sure…..I would rather be in a room filled with “unique” souls than in a room of “normal” people any day! At least then I know that everyone in the room is being genuine. Most “normal” people are not very genuine at all, especially when encountering a “unique” soul……I say Kudos to Jameson & his mommy. And J’s mom…..as hard as it can be at times, just remember, your child was born with an extra helping of awesomeness that normal folks dont get. Jameson will always be at least 2x’s gifted over any not so unique person. that will be not only part of his inborn defense-mechanism…but it also means that both you and he were extra blessed! Enjoy your lives, never be afraid to speak up & to hell with any “normal” person who fails to see how great either of you are…..and you are great, both of you.

  185. Hi Jameson and mommy! My six-year-old sister,Charlyn, would not let me leave your blog post without letting you know that we would love to be Jameson’s friend! Charlyn also enjoys s’mores and camping!
    — She would love to send over a handmade friendship card. I’ll search your blog to look for a P.O. Box to where to send the card! I hope we can develop a pen pal friendship! :)))

  186. Hi jameson my name is Amanda and I want you to know that you are a very precious and handsome little man. And your mother is very lucky to have you.

  187. Thank you for your advice. I am certain I have told my son to speak kindly and removed him from the area when he has spouted something embarrassing or rude but I’ve never thought it my place to introduce ourselves to the persons we may have isolated or offended. I will absolutely change my behavior in the future based on your advice and guidance.

  188. Thank you for sharing your story. It helps me understand how better to respond to the unfamiliar – but then looking through your photo album, I recognize so much of my boys in Jameson’s curiosity, smiles, exploration, and joy, and it’s not unfamiliar at all. Little guy’s got a great family.

  189. Honestly, my first thought when I saw your sons picture is he’s adorable. I have a daughter with autism and they look all the time because of her behavior. Some people are always going to have something to say. They’re the ignorant ones. Your son probably has more class than any one of them! The most beautiful person can be ugly in my eyes if they treat others poorly. I hope your son keeps his head up high. He looks like an awesome kid!

  190. While I have always made it a point to discuss with my children that just because someone looks coherent than you it doesn’t make then different ..reading this really made more wonder if we had discussed it enough…so thank you for reminding me that we should all talk to our kids about treating everyone with respect and friendliness.

  191. I am from India and just saw this from facebook .You got a very adorable tot 🙂 Bless his heart and I have a one year old when he grows up I will surely like jameson and aarush be friends.

  192. Hello, I am writing from ITV News in the UK, I would really like to find out more about the reaction you have had to your blog and if you have noticed any change in attitudes.
    Could you drop me an email with your contact details so I could give you a call to discuss?
    Many thanks, Kate

  193. Hi Mommy and Jameson!😻😽 sending you warm hugs and kisses from Manila, Philippines! Hope this brightens up your day. 😻 May God continue to bless and guide you. 🙏

  194. I was born with a bilateral cleft lip and palate. I so understand the hurt you describe. I’m sorry that you and your family are experiencing that.

  195. Thank you for sharing your sons story with us. May god bless you all. May light love happiness always follow you guys. Have a lovely day xxx

  196. Thanks for this article, I’m french and i read it. Your son Jameson is a very beautiful little boy. I’m a mother and i understand your message. Thank you for all.

  197. Even though he make look “different” he is still a cute boy! I’ve always had a place in my heart for people who are “different”. When I was a young teen in the 70s I read something about how to treat people with disabilities that said go up and say hi and ask about their disability. So like an idiot, wanting to be someone who “understands and cares” I went up to a family with a young man in a wheelchair ( I know now that he had severe cerebral palsy), said ‘hi’ to him and asked his family what was wrong with him. His father gave me a ration of heck… “there’s nothing ‘wrong’ with him!!” I never did that again. Now I just say hello.

  198. My girls are Very shy, but since they were very little I’ve had them meet and talk to people like your son. Children and adults. They seem more willing to open up to them, and smile and talk and they aren’t even an ounce shy! They hate when others are mean or rude. I wish we were close to you so we could meet your precious little boy!

  199. If I and my daughter encounter someone who looks “different” like your son, when we come up to introduce ourselves, is there a polite way to ask why he looks different? So that we can both be educated about what makes the other person special? I’m always intimidated to talk with parents about their “different” children, because even though I’m curious about what their condition is, I feel I might come across as rude, yet I don’t want to ignore what makes them unique, especially if my daughter has made a rude comment.

  200. Oh My he is beautiful, and anyone who can not see past his slightly “unusual” looks does not deserve to know him or you!!… One problem tho… I think your blog needs more smore’s smeared face pics LOL..
    Wishing you and him and your whole family all the love
    South Africa

  201. You have a beautiful, beautiful little boy, who one day will realize how lucky he is to have such a great mother. (Though, he might already, despite not being able to vocalize it 😉

    Keep up the good fight. God is always with you, and may He bless you and your family always.

  202. Wow this takes me back a few years. I am also the mother of a son with Pfeiffer’s syndrome. He is now 26 but the pics of surgery and the Dr appt’s and the staring and being made fun of is all so familiar. I always thought I should write about about our journey

  203. What a happy little dude. I must admit that since having a child 18 months ago my entire outlook on everything in life has changed. I hope your little boy has a happy, happy life ahead of him. I’d love to introduce my son Shane to him so they can play! Chin up!!! Good job, mom!

  204. Great advice. I never know exactly what to do when my children make a comment out loud about someone that may hurt their feelings. Thankfully, my older children are starting to understand that beauty comes in all shapes and sizes. Very cute picture of your son. May God bless you!

  205. Pingback: He’s Not Scary, He’s a Little Boy | This Is Donald Asak's Blog

  206. This is a great blog post. I don’t have children but it got me thinking that if I ever do this is a great way to teach them, and much better than just telling them to be nice. In elementary English you learn to use words that show, not just tell, your story or message. What better way to show a child that we are all not so different and all just want to be loved than to engage with one another? I really like your message. I’m glad you’ve put it out there and I’m sure it’s made even just a small change in the world. All the best to you and your family! Jameson looks like a very spirited little man!

  207. I read your latest entry with much interest. I grew up in a similar situation, only I was the sibling and my brother looked relatively normal. However, he was profoundly retarded (a medical term in those days – now it is called intellectually disabled) as well as autistic, and non verbal. I was very protective of him and embarrassed at the same time. Both those feelings are normal to have. Although I have only read one or two entries, I am sure that you are giving needed attention to your other child as well. It must be a very, very difficult task for a parent, one that I cannot speak to. Just like the mother who said “that’s not a nice thing to say,” the sib needs to know that any feelings he has are all right to have. Guilt at having bad feelings is hard to live with.
    Thank you for your story.
    Jack Davis (Davisbrotherlylove)

  208. He’s not scary. He’s actually freaking adorable, especially smeared with s’mores. I see my son’s (and every child’s) sweet face reflected in your son’s.

  209. This is one of the most touching things I have read in a long time. I am an emotionless, chip-on-shoulder, mean person (seriously, ask anyone) and this brought tears to my eyes. Not out of pity, or sorrow, but due the amaing amout of love that seaped through your writing, and the love I can see in your son’s eyes. People can be cruel (I know, very well), but thankfully people like you and your son are out there to remind everyone that people can be good, they can be decent, and that love triumphs over all. I wish yo all the luck with your wonderful son. You are blessed to have him, and he you.

  210. The was really wonderful to read, and it has taught me something about how to be that I will remember–thank you. You seem like a wonderful, loving family!

  211. I hope that you don’t think the silly but I really wanted to tell you this. I have cerebral palsy, so I walk with a limp, and am 36 now. But when I was young – pre teens I would walk down the street and children – people may age whom I went to school with would say ‘he walks funny’. Aged under 10 I wish I could have read something like this.

  212. Thank you for this. South a great reminder and inspiration.

    (And what an absolutely adorable little boy. That picture is perfect!)

    All the best to him and your family. May the world see the lovely fingerprints he’s already leaving on all of our hearts.

  213. A big Hi to Jameson and Jameson’s Mom from Los Angeles!
    The world IS a better place because you chose to share your experiences and point of view. Thank you. As a mom of 3 small children, I will pay more attention to how I encourage my kids to treat others and include them. Lots of LOVE to you!

  214. Wonderful advice – thanks for being so brave and writing this post. I’ve often been conflicted on how to handle situations like this (as the mother of a five year old who comments on EVERYTHING). You are both so courageous and blessed to have each other 🙂 You are inspiring and I wish your family the best.

  215. After reading this story on facebook I created a blog just to follow your sons journey. As a parent of a little boy myself, I couldnt imagine anybody hurting him or making fun of him. Just because little Jameson is different doesn’t mean he’s and less beautiful than my own child. Your a very amazing mother, and definitely inspired me to teach my son to go and say hi.

  216. I have a child in my class with the same condition. I love that child to death! Most sweetest thing ever. Always so happy and always puts a smile on my face.

  217. I think Jameson looks like an angel and is the cutest little guy I’ve seen in a long while. That smile is enough to brighten anyone’s day. May you only receive love and support as your journey with Jameson continues.

  218. I’m not one for commenting, but I just had to say I read your article on Huffington Post and afterwards had to read your blog and just have to say WOW, you are an amazing person, and even more amazing parent. I wish you and your child the best. He is definitely a cutie. -Mel

  219. just told muy husband to story of the post. He looked at the pictor of Jameson and said, ‘he is not scary, he is cute’. I could not agree more.
    The love of his family will allow your son to become a strong and inspiring adult.
    Thanks for sharing your story!

  220. What a beautiful little boy the same age as my own son. When I clicked on this story and saw your son’s picture, the first thought that came to my mind was how beautiful he was, just like my toddler. We love them so much. Thinking of you

  221. You should be proud of yourself and your son. Brilliant piece from you and I thank you for sharing. Think we all can learn from this, even us who are adults can take something out of this. Seems you guys have a beautiful family and wish you all the best in the future!

  222. Your little boy is beautiful, how could he not be with that huge grin! He is obviously very loved and you are doing an amazing job. I really enjoyed reading your blog, and I really hope you and your darling wee man are making friends in your new town. Big hugs from Australia!

  223. Thank you for introducing me to Jameson, what an awesome smile he has. I am sorry that some people treat him differently than any other special little boy, not special because of perceived differences but special because all children are special gifts.

    I pray that Jameson continues to be proud of who he is and knows that he is perfect the way he is, I have 9 children and all of them would be blessed to call Jameson a friend, a mate and a blessing to know.

  224. He is one of cutest kid I have ever seen how could anyone point or stare or comment rudely he looks fine and adorable to me hopefully every one will see that 🙂

  225. What a darling boy! I saw this on HuffPo, and the next thing I knew, I read all the way from his birth to this entry!
    I do wonder, though, what I can say to my shy child who might stare? My son and I are the kind of people who will walk up and high five, but my daughter can and will cry if given the opportunity.
    Please give Jameson a hug from us! He’s a doll! ♥

  226. Beautiful son. I saw this like many I’m sure on FB. Read briefly on your blog – and learned he was to have an MRI today. Bless his heart and yours. We had to do many with our son, and no longer have to, but it still tugs at my heart. Truly bless you and your family.

  227. What an amazing little boy you have, and what a great family he has.
    My 6year old has spent time in hospital and you meet some very amazing little people like your son. Kids are kids no matter how sick they are or medical hurdles or medical mountains they have to conquer and it just amazes me how these kids can undergo such big operations, procedures ect that leave them in pain and discomfort and still be so happy all the time. They are just amazing little angles.
    Jameson is so lucky to have such wonderful family around him.
    My son lost his eye and I have taught him not to hide it but share his small difference with others as its not a bad thing, it’s just different and different is ok.
    I like you, would encourage parents to encourage their child to say hello and allow their kids to ask a few questions and then most kids are fine and good and then look past the physical. Parents can be shocked by what their kids ask but really they ask some great questions and have some very funny comments.

  228. Hello mommymeyer

    My name is Julie and I’m from Quebec, Canada. I’m french and I don’t speak English perfectly, but I hope you’ll understand what I want to tell you.

    First of all, did you know that this post has been translated in French and shared in “Le Huffington Post Québec”? I just read the comments about it and I can tell you that people here support you. Lots of them say that they are sorry about what you and your family have to go through everyday. Others say that differences make our world so much more beautiful. I can also read comments such as “your son is sooooooo cute” and “this woman shows a lot of courage”.

    As an elementary school teacher, I feel concerned about your story. You can make sure that I’ll keep teaching kids to accept differences and learn to know people before judging them.

    You can be very proud about your blog. I wish you all the best for you and your family in your new town. Hugs from Quebec ! 🙂

  229. You wrote a wonderful piece on “He’s Not scary, He’s a little boy!” I know exactly how you feel, I have been there, and it can be very hurtful. Many simply do not know what to say…they feel awkward around a special needs child, so out of ignorance, they either act like the child is non-existent, sternly correct their child, or sadly, sometimes join in on comments. We actual had that at a recent visit to an amusement park this weekend. Every day is a new challenge. Our son was born with hydrocephalus. His head was the diameter of an 8 year old at birth, so there was many looks and comments. Now that he has almost grown into his headsize, now the problem is with people recognizing that he has special needs. They see his behavior is different, and often just immediately think he is being obnoxious! Praying for you and your family. Take one day at a time, trust in Him. God doesn’t make mistakes…He chose you to bless with Jameson. By the way, we have a “Jamison”

  230. Your beautiful post went all over the world, and I read it in my language, miles away, and I was deeply moved by your words. I understand how hurtful these comments may be, as I experienced many, concerning the differences in my physical appearence and other differences that separated me from other children, although minor but still an object of their attention. So I know how children can be cruel and how little parents do to prevent this behaviour, that can go beyond nasty comments. I am grateful to you for this beautiful lesson to all parents who want to make their children good people. Your boy Jameson is gorgeous and you’re clearly a wonderful family with a wonderful heart. Unfortunately we live in such world where many people will never be able to teach their children to love, respect and understand differences, as they never learned it themselves. So stay strong, you made so many people cry all over the world!

  231. I too am different, I was very tall for my age, I wasn’t exactly skinny, I have Autim Spectrum Disorder and I’m bi-sexual, I have been singled out my entire life, it’s not an easy thing to cope with, sitting all alone being avoided by every kid in the school, when I got to high school I thought I had made some friends but they just felt sorry for me and haven’t spoken to me since I left. We live in a cruel world, I try to see everyone as equals (excluding people who do very bad things), if I met Jameson I would see him as a person, I don’t understand how people can think he looks scary or funny, he’s so cute! I just wanna squeeze those gorgeous chubby cheeks of his and give him a big hug. Life will be hard for him with how people are these days and I’m not sure what Jameson’s mental capacity is like but if he’s able to understand what people are saying and process emotions he may become depressed later in life, depression is a horrible thing to have, I suffer from it myself, being judged wherever you go really damages ones confidence, but as long as he has his family standing up for him he will get through it. Hopefully people can learn to grow up and accept everyone for who they are.

    I wish your family and Jameson the best of luck on your journey and know that it’s okay to cry when things get tough, don’t keep them bottled up inside.

  232. Thank you for this article. I have a son in first grade and will be using your advise when he notices someone different. Raising awareness will make is all better people.

  233. Your little boy is beautiful and so are you. I know if you lived in our town, my children and I would love to be friends with you and yours:)

  234. Thank you for writing this post and sharing your story. I am a first time mum to a 1 year old and I am still learning all the time how to be a parent. This advice is so helpful for when my son is older and interacting with children who may look different to him.

  235. Wonderful article. Thank you for sharing! But I have a question for you: is there anything I could do besides inviting my children to meet yours? What would be a good thing to say to them short of this?

    I ask because my children are introverted by nature, my eldest especially, and do not want to be introduced in general. I mean, sometimes they are okay with meeting new people. But overall, my son will “flip out” if pressured (asked!) to meet someone when he isn’t in a gregarious mood (sometimes he is. Sometimes this would work).

    Is there anything else I could say/do? Perhaps simply introduce myself to you/your child (for example?). & I’m not even sure what I would say to my son. But yes. Thank you for writing this. It is always good to hear how people want to be loved/treated.

  236. I see Jameson as a one of a kind beautiful little boy. If I was to ever meet you Jameson, I would hug, kiss and tell you how happy I am to meet you. You are such a cutie to me. I am sending love and best wishes your way…. catch!

  237. Jameson is an adorable little boy and I love your idea. I’m going to pass this around so that other moms have a response to the things their kids say. I know I wouldn’t have thought of it. It’s a wonderful way for kids to learn acceptance. Thank you for your story. 🙂

  238. I think this is good advice. Just make sure you’re the kind of parent that can be approached. I’ve seen parents of kids with disabilities with scowls on their faces. It isn’t their kids that scare me, it’s them. Why would I want to bring my child over to meet your child when you’re scowling at me? It is uncomfortable and awkward but when you’re not approachable you can’t really blame “the other parent” for not brining their kid over to meet yours. Just my two cents from personal experience.

  239. I am really touched by your story and your wonderful little boy. With 4 little kids of my own (all under 9, youngest at 1) who I love more than the world itself, I can see that where others may see imperfections(I struggled to find the appropriate adjective here) as the parent we see a gorgeous little boy with a beautiful little personality and endearing little traits of whom we are infinitely richer to have spent even a small amount of time with. When OUR little bundle of joy is wronged or not shown the love, kindness and true acceptance by other people or their peers, a small part of us, the parents, dies, it is a kick in the stomach which is almost impossible to cope with. I really wish you all the best.

  240. He’s a very beautiful happy little boy! 1st grade is a big deal and I hope you are enjoying every minute of it! When I was in second grade (many many years ago), one of my dearest friends had cerebral palsey. She was funny, smart, just lovely. But of course different. She had so much courage and I remember thinking how much joy she had despite her challenges (wheel chair bound). From that point on, at the age of 8, I began to realize we aren’t that different from everyone else. I applaud you for not shying away from this. Your darling child will have a rich life filled with all kinds of regular stuff that little boys get to experience because of you and the children who are lucky enough to be his friends will be enlightened and better off in life when they realize how to celebrate our diversity. Thank you for sharing your perspective!

  241. Pingback: He’s Not Scary, He’s A Little Boy | Tired, Christian Working Mom

  242. I read your blog post on Huffington, it really made me think and realize I would be one of those parents who would tell my kids it’s not nice to stare or chastise them for saying something, apologize and move on. If this happens in the future I will be sure to do more and be more proactive, and get to know who people are. Thank you and best wishes.

  243. Jameson is precious!!! I love his name too! We have a son with the same name (and same spelling!), who was also born with a craniofacial disorder. He also is deaf and wears a BAHA. Most of the times kids are curious and sometimes blunt, but sometimes they are hurtful. I don’t get frustrated with kids, but I do get frustrated with adults who say or do things they shouldn’t when they encounter people/kids with differences. Your post is so wonderful and you are so blessed, which I know you already know, to be Jameson’s Momma! I just saw this linked from Vanderbilt Children’s Hospital FB page btw.

  244. Thank you for this post and for sharing your story. I have been lucky that my son has always naturally went up and spoke to anyone that was different, but I see that happening less now as he is a preteen. I will make a point to step up where he has backed off, it’s a trait I never want him to lose. God Bless your family on your journey. I look forward to following your blog and praying for you all along the way.

  245. I have worked with so many kids over the years, and it is indeed a delicate situation when children are being blunt about each other’s appearances. Our first response is to quiet now and correct later. But your approach to suggesting how parents can speak with their children is not only basically in tune but also sweetly intelligent. Your little boy looks very sweet and if I could, I would like to meet him 🙂 but for now, let me congratulate you on your bravery and also your son’s. You’re both amazing 🙂

  246. Hi – lovely post and I just went back and read most of your blog. Good luck to Jameson, saying a prayer for him tonight with my 1 year boy. We are in dallas.

  247. Thank you for this wonderful piece. It hurts my heart that we point out and judge differences rather than celebrating them. Jameson is a beautiful boy- I mean, just look at those lovely, big brown eyes. And he is so lucky to have a mom like you.

  248. Hello. I have 2 beautiful grand children and when I look at Jameson’s smiling face I have a tear in my eye He looks like a happy little boy with a beautiful smile, and a dirty face just like my grand children. He has a wonderful mother and it sound like a great family to grow up in. I wish you and your family all the best.
    People often do not think before they say or do something that offends. I hope I can follow Jameson’s journey to adulthood. Thank you for sharing Jameson’s storey so far.

  249. What a cutie pie! As an aunt to a niece and nephew with crouzon syndrome I can relate to the feelings you have. My wish is that they have all the happiness is the world and never forget how loved and cherished they are. Bless you and your wonderful family.

  250. Dear Jameson,
    You and your mum are two extraordinary people, you made a huge change in my life and your story touched a lot of lives in Serbia, mine especially. Hope we will meet, i would like to get to know such a sweet loving boy. No matter what you do there will always be someone who will have something to say about you, i went through that. When you grow up you will see that you had a better and more loving childhood, full of people and friends that loved you just because you are such a great boy. Wish you a lot of fun in life and lost of love and great time, thank you for inspiration and wake up call. Hope we will meet 😀

  251. I write to you from Sydney, Australia, having just read of your blog post in the Sydney Morning Herald. I am so touched by what you wrote and promise to do exactly what you suggest if my two kids ever make the mistake of signalling out someone who looks different to them. Your son is absolutely gorgeous, by the way, and I would love to give him a big cuddle. Sending you warm wishes from Australia. x

  252. I don’t know whach you talking about, I find him super cute. I showed all his pictures to my 3 yr old daughter and she said oh what a beautiful baby.

  253. I have to say, as a father, if one of my children said something, I too, would tell my child what they would of said was a nasty thing to say, and they hope the wind doesn’t change when they are chucking a tantrum…But, I never thought after telling them how wrong it was to say something mean about someone, to actually turn around and confront that child and say hello….ESPECIALLY after what a child nastily just said…it makes me think next time something gets said, I WILL remember what you said, & I WILL go over and introduce us.. To be honest, I never thought about that, only to tell the kids not to be rude. Point taken. Thanks for the lesson. It is important you said this for us to understand how to confront the issue when there really isn’t one or shouldn’t be one.

  254. What! This baby is adorable! I did a double take, because he’s obviously a little different. But he’s light years from being scary looking. I could cover him in kisses! Good job mom, and stay strong. I hope everything works out for you guys.

  255. Thank you for opening my eyes to this, i have never been on either side of this situation and honestly don’t know how i would of reacted.
    But now i like to think that i would do something like you suggest in your post and introduce my little boy to them. thanks 🙂

  256. How wonderful your blog is, and if it goes some way to changing attitudes to those who look “different” you’ll have done a great job.
    I’m a doctor and my experience, from a close knit island community in Shetland, is quite different. A little girl was born with a severe cranio-facial disorder. Her parents were initially devastated, but got on with getting her the treatment she needed. When she was old enough they took her to toddler’s groups and then to Nursery and so the other children in the local area got to know her from a very early age. It was marvellous to see how they treated her – as one of their group and no different from the rest. She had the nicest nature and was very friendly, and that’s all they saw.
    We all want to be accepted and your lovely little boy will be too, for who he is, what he does and how he acts and treats others.

  257. I have to admit, when I first saw his photo, my first thought was “that poor little boy!” I read this post and was interested in Jameson, so I went to your blog and read all about him. After reading about him, your family, Pfeiffer syndrome, and what Jameson has been through and how he has handled it, I realize that my initial reaction is part of the problem – I wanted to pity Jameson for life being unfair to him. But the more I read, and the more photos I saw, Jameson stopped looking “different” to me, and just like any other kid having fun, being a trooper, and enjoying life the way only a two-year old can. He doesn’t need pity, he just needs the regular things any kid needs – love, hugs, fun, favorite foods, toys, games. That was my mistake, and now see how many others make the same mistake. I hope your post and your blog change that for others as they have changed my view. Now I look at Jameson’s photo, and my thought is “what an adorable, fantastic, spunky, brave, happy, wonderful little boy!” Enjoy him, I wish him and your family the very best, and I wish my children could be lucky enough to meet him someday!

  258. Bless your gorgeous little man with his cheeky grin.
    I look at his face and see happiness and joy.
    Your obviously doing a fantastic job as this little man has such life and fire in his eyes.
    We wish Jameson love and laughter from Australia.

  259. Saw this on HuffPost, thank you for posting it! I always worry that going over to talk will be unwelcome (like “Oh no, not another person making us an example”). Maybe we’ll take that route more often in the future. Here’s what my (as of yesterday) four year old wants to say to your son:

    Nub: He looks funny!
    Me: Why does he look funny?
    Nub: Because he has food on his face! He’s a silly baby.. Can I ask him to come to my birthday?!

  260. Your son, and YOU, are gorgeous (inside and out)!
    I would be honored to meet him, talk with him and learn all about who he really is.
    I hope everyone else he comes across does, too.
    Big hugs!

  261. Your child is cute. I worked with a student with same facial features as your son. However, he had a nose that drained constantly and deformed hands and feet. But he was so loveable and my favorite child in the classroom. if I could have adopted him I would have. Seeing your child brought back all those fond memories.

  262. Dear Jameson and Mama,

    I, too, have a son with challenges. It hurts my heart when he is not accepted, or the brunt of other children/adults rude comments; especially when he just stands there grinning from ear to ear, not even aware that he is the entertainment.

    I just wanted to encourage you, and also let you know that my 6 year old daughter has some strong opinions and comments on your son and his appearance. “He is a big cutie! I like that his eyes stick out (SIC, no insult intended) more than usual, because he looks cuter than regular kids. I like the way he looks and think he is more handsome that way. Where does he live, mom? Can I meet him? He’s really adorable! Are there more pictures with chocolate on his face? Those are my favorite! He looks like he is a lot of fun!”

    ❤ and hugs… From Meisha and her mommy.

  263. I bet he gives the best cuddles and hugs, just like my son.
    He looks like a special little happy boy, just like my son.
    He is just a little boy that needs love by all, just like my son.
    To me, your son is my son, and I love him.

  264. I will admit that when I first saw Jameson’s picture on HuffPost I was a little taken aback, but it only took a moment to see what an adorable little s’mores eater he is! I want to reach into my computer screen to get him so I can cuddle him! I enjoyed looking at all your family pics in your album and have learned so much from your blog posts. Best wishes to you, Jameson, and all your family.

  265. Thank you for this truly moving article. I do not have your son’s disorder, although I have been bullied and picked at my whole life merely because I am different. Truth is, everybody is different. But different does not mean bad, or less of something. It only means DIFFERENT. I feel sorry for what your family (and your son) is experiencing because of intolerant people, but I think you did the right thing by sharing your story. Hopefully it helps those people to become open-minded towards difference and act differently in the future. And if not, well… you will grow from it, just like I have. Thanks again.

  266. I read your blog this morning in Melbourne, Australia with tears coming down my face. Thank you for educating us all on what we should already know as human beings but sometimes need to be reminded of – we’re all the same. I have two small children and will endeavour to always teach them this.

  267. Hello Jameson! Hello from all the way down in Australia! I know that you are getting lots of wonderful messages from many people everywhere, and this means that everyday you can know that you have now got some wonderful friends all over the world. My family and I would like to know what things you like – I see from this picture that you like chocolate – I like chocolate too. Do you have any pets? you know, we have some lovely animals here in Australia like kangaroos, koalas and some very pretty birds called cockatoos – I think your mom can show you some of these animals in pictures to you.

    We live long way away from Jameson, but know that our thoughts and kindest wishes are for you and we want to follow your story. From your friends in Australia, Wayne and the Speers family.

  268. I’ve never read this blog before – I was directed here from an article that came up on a newspaper website here in Australia.

    I am a dad with two step-daughters (18, 16) and two little boys (6, 5) who thankfully have had no real health issues to date.

    I have a nephew with Downs Syndrome and luckily had a mum who worked as a teacher at a school for kids with disabilities so I’ve been brought up to be fairly sensitive about these sorts of things.

    Your son is beautiful. and I’d love to think that if either of my kids knew someone with the same condition, they’d go out of their way to be friends with him.

  269. Thank you for sharing your beautiful son with us. He is precious, I love the picture of him after eating S’mores! Jameson is so cute. I have Neurofibromatosis 1, and I get treated differently, I think that I have not gotten jobs because of it, and I get stared at and shunned because of it. I was at a store the other day and a child said,”Mama, look at that lady, she has bumps all over her face.” She then cried and held onto to her mother.Her mother did not say a word about the situation. I felt a little embarrassed. Some people don’t even try to get to know me, they don’t see beyond my appearance. I know that children don’t understand about differences unless they are taught about them. Adults, on the other hand, should know that people are different and share that with their children. Maybe someone will have their eyes opened.If it was their child, they would feel like you do! Again, thank you for sharing Jameson with us! He is lucky to have such a wonderful Mom!

  270. This story weighed heavy on my heart. I’ve already commented once. Thought I would pass on that I shared this story with my world and hope it continues to impact people as it clearly already has.

    I read a story of a young man named Jameson. The story both saddened me and lifted my spirits. Saddened because of the cruel world we live in at times. Lifting because the bravery and courage this wonderful mother has to share her story. I have to believe that all things happen for a reason. God has a brilliant plan for all mankind. I find myself wondering why good people suffer bad fates and challenging dilemmas. I have to believe as a human being that all things happen for God’s greater glory. One small story can intersect with my small story, your small story and create a larger better story for a better world. We as people can all learn something from this family’s story. I desperately want to believe that this young child, Jameson, was given this challenge to overcome and so that others may learn, love, live and truly recognize inner beauty. Treat others how you would want to be treated.

  271. Hi! I found your blog through your HuffPost article.

    Have you ever encountered the blog ‘This Little Miggy Stayed Home’? The blogger does a feature called ‘Special Needs Spotlight’ in which she interviews the parent of a child with special needs, or sometimes a sibling or an adult with special needs. As her daughter has limb differences, she’d probably be particularly interested in another parent who deals with the “funny looks”.

    If you think you’d be interested, here’s the URL.


  272. I just read this story on The Age website here in Melbourne, Australia, very touching and such a cute little boy, if distance wasn’t an issue i’d love to meet him, our 18 month old daughter just started Child Care this year and she mixes with children from all backgrounds which is just so important I think, and as a parent they fill your heart with more joy & love than you ever knew existed. Stay strong Alice-Ann and I wish you and Jameson all the best along life’s journey.

  273. Thank you for sharing this story. I am sorry for the heartache you have been through. This is a great example and something to think about. I think your ideas for parents are really good too. Jameson looks like such a friendly little guy, I wish we could meet him. 🙂

  274. I love your advice to parents. I’d like to hope that many parents just don’t know a good way to teach their child how to approach someone different and this is a great place to start!

  275. Dear Jameson,
    you are such a wonderful child that any one could ever ask..i wish that i can meet and spend some time with you…GOD bless you on whatever that you are going to achieve in your life…My best wishes to you and your family….Luv you….

  276. Beautifully written. As a mother of a boy who was severly burned, we know all too well of what you experience. We have heard some startling comments, and soon realized what we had to do for our son, before serious emotional damage was done. I am posting a link which you may remove if you feel it is inappropriate. We are still in the construction stages (forgive the typos) but these simple cards have brought so many children and parents joy, inspiration and hope. Please contact me and we will be happy to create special cards for your special blessing. My tearful gift to you. http://www.friendlyfaceforward.com/#!fff-cards-in-action/cr2x

  277. Hi Jameson and family – read about you today in a Melbourne newspaper. Touched by your story and angered at the ignorance and insensitive nature of the average person. Beauty comes from within and I can see from your smiling face that there is a lot of beauty in there!
    PS – get your hands on some tim tams.

  278. Thank you for sharing your and Jameson’s story. Even adults need to be taught how to see past “differences” to the hearts of others.

  279. Hello from Jakarta, Indonesia!! Thank you for sharing your story. Redirected from news story on Australian website. I am a mother of two small children (5 and 4) and am currently studying to become a teacher. The unit I’m completing now is on students with disabilities. Was so great to get your insight. We often meet other kids at the playground or when we are out and about that have noticeable disabilities and I have to admit that I’m one of those parents that says “that’s not nice” but then I try to explain to them later why that child may look different and why, and get them to understand that they too are just kids like them. Sometimes I’m unsure of how the parent will react if we try to play with their child or talk with them. Have done so in the past and the parent took offence to us wanting to befriend the child, as if we were taking pity on him. So, it was good to get your perspective. There is a child in our apartment complex with Downs Syndrome and I’ve been wanting to ask the parents if he’d like to come over for a playmate. But I am worried how they will react to this. Will they think I’m only doing it for MY children’s benefit, so they learn about differences? This is what has stopped me from asking. The reason I want to ask him over is that here in Indonesia, people with disabilities are still very marginalised. I see this boy dragging his feet behind a nanny every time I see him, which is not very often. He seems to be “hidden” away for the most part. I never see him with other kids. And we have a lot of toys to play with together!! My kids like making new friends. Seems ridiculous that we have all these toys to play with and he lives just two floors above us. Your post has inspired me to take the step and approach the parents for a play date. Thank you. And Jameson….we don’t know what s’mores are (we don’t get them here), but they sure look like they are yummy! Precious s’mores covered face,love it!!

  280. At first his look is surprising but after a short time of “I’m adjusting to unusual” he’s actually pretty cute! If I have kids someday I’ll try to remember the advice and apply.

  281. Pingback: N’ayez pas peur, c’est juste un petit garçon | Une journée en islam

  282. Pingback: N’ayez pas peur, c’est juste un petit garçon | Nuage Ciel d'Azur

  283. Hi, Im from israel and your post was published on the biggest tv channal’s website over here. You really touched me, and I hope parents who see that know that this request from you as a mother is relevant for all inaults and bullying that cpnes from kids. To me he seems as joyful as any other kid! 🙂

  284. My daughter isn’t at the age yet where she notices differences in people but I know it will happen soon and have been wracking my brain for the best way to approach these types of subjects. So thank you for the amazing advice! I will use it and take the opportunity to get to know all the amazing boys and girls out there. Especially the happy ones with s’mores on their face! Truly, a very important read!
    The Accidental Mama

  285. Dear Mom,
    Your amazing story came all the way to Israel …
    It is impossible not to notice that the child won a special mother, loving, caring and a Fighter.
    and to you little boy I wanted to say: Have fun, go wild, be glad
    Keeping my fingers crossed

  286. Your son is absolutely adorable! I hope that one day my son and I will be able to cross paths with you both to share with my son how amazing you both are. Blessings to you and your family. Conquer the world Jameson!

  287. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a child have kinder eyes or a more precious look on his face. He is beautiful and I thank you for this wonderful post.

  288. Thank you for posting this. Your approach and understanding towards a sometimes unforgiving society is inspiring. I wish. You, Jameson and the rest of the family joy, health and happiness for many years to come!
    Keep being a role model to our society!

  289. You and your son are amazing! I’m working with children with different syndromes and disorders and I think that these kids are so special and imspiring that getting in touch with them can make anyone a better person. They teach you what is really important in life. I send you all my love. Dana, Israel

  290. Hi,
    Just discovered your blog with your article shared on Twitter by the Huffpost.
    It truly sadened me to see so much intolerance… Until I saw the lovely picture of your son!
    James on is absolutely cute!
    Being different is hard but gives you the strengh necessary to overcome everything.
    And Jameson has already been through so much (I read all your articles)!
    You are a wonderful mum and I admire your courage !
    Please tell Jameson that somewhere, in Provence, South of France, someone loves him just as every child deserves to be.
    My blessing to Jameson and your family ♡

  291. I teach special needs children, work daily with those that are different. I have recently had the same issue with one of my kiddos. He couldn’t understand and took offense to others “staring” at him or asking why he walked on his knees. My respomse was this- they aren’t doing it to be mean, they are curious. Just like curious George. Arent you ever curious about other people? The answer was yes. I then asked him how he discovered the difference of those that were different from him (other students at school)…by asking, by being curious after noticing they were some how different, replied. Different children are juat as curious and have to see and understand that curiosity is mutual. Otherwise, they will always think they are different, never understand curiousity, not stand up for their difference, and never see that everyone is always different in some way or another….because they are. Some may not be as obvious as others. We have to allow our children to ask questions. If you shut them up and have them turn around, youre doing nothing. The kids sitting at the table with him, direct them in to a conversation, allow them to mingle and find common ground, dont shun each other or take offense. I know its easier said than done. Our first instinct is to defend, but we all have to move past that and put effort into whats really going to benefit our kids. Getting mad and defensive vs being receptive to the curiosity and reacting or educating those other kids only hinders the “different” child.

  292. I second everything you said in your post. When my older daughter was 3 or 4, we came across an older girl in a wheelchair, it was obvious that she had cerebral palsy. When my daughter pointed at the girl and started asking me questions in our native German, I just took her to meet the girl, ask her name and introduce my daughter. Just to show her that this different looking girl was not scary or abnormal. It was a great experience. The girl waved at us and smiled. The girl’s dad stood behind her and his smile lit up the store! My daughter for many months later asked me why that girl in the store was drooling, why her fingers were bent, and we had sensical, honest conversations around it. I hope you have plenty of encouraging experiences with your son and I encourage parents not to add shame to your kids’ curious, sometimes offensive remarks but to go meet a different looking kid, and thus teach your children that we are all persons!

  293. Thank you for sharing this truly inspiring story about this amazing little boy. My heart sank hearing how he’s perceived by certain uneducated youths or adults. I tip my hat to this wonderful little boy & his parents. To go through all of the heartache & to document this whole procedure so that it may shine a light into Jameson life & the struggle to deal with certain diagnosis. I couldn’t me more proud of how Jameson ‘ s parents are not giving up & offering a boy a chance. The big hero here is Jameson with that amazing blinding smile, Keep up the great work Jameson you are strong & amazing. I’m sending you a big cyber hug Jameson. I loved the great pictures you guys posted, you are extremely photogenic Jameson. God bless you.

  294. What a beautiful post! And what a beautiful little boy! I noticed that a LOT of people are reading and commenting on your blog…kudos to you for getting a very important message out there. I have written my memoirs about my experiences growing up with an eye abnormality. low vision, glaucoma, coloboma and floaters. I have struggled with this my entire life. my disfigurement of my right eye was not something I could cover up and everyone I crossed paths with my entire life either stared, commented, laughed, pointed or ran away. It affected my life tremendously. I initially wrote the book for my children but as I wrote I realized that if I could help anyone going through this type of situation it would be worth it. I hid my feelings from everyone. People just don’t understand what this can do to your self esteem when you live this day in and day out. At the age of 50, I met a surgeon that wanted to help me. I had three surgery’s and received an artificial eye. Now…no one can even tell there was anything wrong. I am treated differently now…no more stares, no bad comments, inclusion…It’s sad but true.
    Continue to write and helping the general public to be a little kinder, lets teach children that everyone has feelings. You sound like an awesome mother….
    With Love,
    Sherry L. Cook

  295. Hi Jameson! A hello to your family from Brooklyn. Such good advice to parents: Come talk to us. My family looks different–two dads and two sons–and I know we confuse kids my older sons’ age (3). And that’s okay. Like, totally completely okay. But the parents are sometimes mortified that their kids might be seen as homophobic so they just gloss over it, and then us. So thank you for putting into words what i sometimes want to say to other parents.

  296. Hi (sorry for my english, I’m french)
    I’m sure Jameson is a wonderful son, and he will be a wonderfull person 😉
    with love

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  298. Thank you so much for posting this. My son (now nearly 9) was born with severe plagiocephaly (both flattening and facial asymmetry), torticollis (neck), and other issues. We were extremely lucky that 1) a pediatrician gave us a diagnosis at 5 days old, 2) strongly pushed us to consider getting a helmet/s to treat the plagiocephaly, and 3) able to consult a top cranial facial/ neurosurgeon in the country to correct it. Still, I have since learned that the type and extent of the plagiocephaly was extremely rare too and IF my son had not worn two helmets as a baby (or neck surgery) then the situation would be completely different. You captured in words what I could not express. I can tell you how much.

  299. Your boy is a beautiful little kid. Exactly the way he is.
    He is also one of the luckiest to have such amazing parents.

    Stay strong and you are always welcome at my house where I am sure our boys will give a warm welcome.

  300. Your son is absolutely adorable… I just want to squeeze him!! Thank you for bringing his condition to light and for educating so many people about it. I had never heard of it and you have certainly taught me so much as I read this article with tears running down my face. I am a new mom and could empathize and know the love in your heart you feel for your baby. God Bless you all.

  301. To Jameson’s parents – If you don’t already know about “My Name Is Lentil”, you should check out his website and Facebook page. He is a French bulldog who was born with a cleft palate. His owner Lindsay is doing amazing things for children with craniofacial differences with Lentil’s help. Lentil has a kid club thing that Jameson can join also.

  302. First of all, I found this post to be very informative. I would properly have berated my boys for saying something cruel. I have two boys about his age, and despite that your son looks a little different. I can still see that wonderful glint in his eyes, just as I see in both my boys. I just want to pick him up and give him a big hug. He is lovely just the way he is, and you as parents are doing a great job, teaching people to be openminded and positive about his not just Jameson’s condition; but about everybody who looks a bit different. I really wish you and Jameson all the best.

    Cheers from Denmark

  303. Big lump in this throat having just read your blog post on a news site. So in awe of your courage to speak up and in love with your wee man. If my children were to say such things when seeing something “different” and let’s just say – they are kids so it is expected I would certainly do as you suggest and have done in the past.

    I have taught my two to support and “stick up” for anyone they witness being picked on or bullied and I just know in my heart if more were to do such a thing your wee man would not face this daily crazy.

    We all have to stop and think twice I feel – place yourself in others shoes and ask if you were to be treated in the manner you or others around you are being treated how would you feel?

    I wish you and Jameson nothing but the best. x

  304. This story is AMAZING – your little boy is a treasure and hurrah to all parents who stick up for their kids! If I ever come across you both I will MOST definitely say hi. Best wishes to you all 🙂

  305. Dear Alice, I just read your post and I am so blown away by your words. I am not a mother as of now, but very much hope to be one day. Your boy is so beautiful and while it is impossible to stop others being mean or pointing out that he’s different, I hope that he’ll experience all the kindness and acceptance this world has to offer. Thank you for sharing your amazing journey.

  306. Feel very very humble reading this I have 3 small girls all of which I love dearly. But what a cracking little lad Jameson is, look at that smile. I have no words of wisdom all I can say is I looked at this todays and I smiled at this little face and I know he has a mom that thinks the world of him and I wish you all the best mate.

  307. I read your article online via a newspaper site today and also just wanted to say I think he has a beautiful, sweet face. Best wishes!

  308. What a beautiful little boy!

    Bless you and your wee man.

    As a relatively new Dad with two boys under four I just see a brave little man you have there and think you are wonderful parents.
    The world needs more people like you.

    Much love

  309. To say jameson is gorgeous is an understatement he is beautiful and amazing with fantatic eyes that are full of soul. I know that if my family bumped into your family we would definitely stop for a chat, a story, some high fives and loads of laughs. You are an amazing family and wonders like jameson actually have loads to teach all of us x

  310. I don’t usually leave comments but I wanted to thank you for sharing your story, I think anybody would be touched from reading it. But I want to thank you for teaching me something, we tell our children everyday what not to do but we don’t always teach them what to do instead. As adults we still need this help and advice, I have found myself in similar situations having 4 children maybe a few more than most, I always tell them that it is not a nice thing to say, I try to explain that the world would very plan if we were all the same and that difference is a good thing. What I don’t do is approach the person who has become a subject and make them a real person and include them in our lives. I have learnt something very special from your words and look forward to teaching this now to my children and the people around me. Thank you.

  311. Great Post. My son was born with Craniosynostosis and I spend the first couple of months out of hospital avoiding other children and feeling heartbroken at comments I heard. Many comments that came from close family and friends were also hurtful in a way. The endless, “what can the doc’s do to fix his appearance etc. I still cringe before walking into a highly child populated area as it is my heart that is shattered each time a child or adult stops and stares, or even when I hear a child ask their mother why my son looks like that. I know it is simply child innocence and curiosity and I manage to deal with those things, but I don’t deal with my heartbreak so well when I have a parent almost break their child’s arm as they snatch them away and tell them it’s rude to stare. I don’t blame the parents, they are just doing what they think is right to make me feel better, but actually that makes me feel a lot worse. We feel as though we are aliens that need to be avoided. It would be better for parents to stop and say hello, maybe ask my son’s name and answer any questions their child has in a way that makes us feel they are open to peoples differences.

  312. Good luck little fella, anytime a babysitter is required in H.B. give me a call, I would take time off work without pay just to show you some grapeviney things and also to have the privilege of spending some time with such a cool dude.

    Ted Bugden

  313. Hi,

    I recently read your blog about your son and the unnecessary challenges you both have to face on a daily basis. I hope this does not seem too out of the blue but I was wondering if you have seen this TedTalks video about how parents love their children unconditionally. As soon as I read your blog I immediately thought of this deeply insightful video.

    Here is the link to the video:

    Yours Sincerely,


  314. Wow, what an amazing Mum and an amazing little boy. He looks like a delicious little guy and has a wonderful twinkle in his eye! Your letter brought tears to my eyes that he has to face this, I know that my very inquisitive little man would ask questions. Before reading your letter I probably would have reacted as those you mentioned did. Thank you for enlightening me and from now on I will always be sure to say hello x

  315. Jameson you are so blimmin cute, thank you for sharing your story, it’s good to know how others feel and what you can do to make the world a better place for them. I’ll remember your advice for when I have children, thanks Jameson’s cool Mum x

  316. Hi, I came across your blog as a friend shared it on Facebook. We have a daughter called Sadie, just over a year older than Jameson, and she’s big sister to Tabby and Jasper, 18 month old twins. We’ve had our share of random questions and people coming up asking about our twins. I’ve shed tears reading about your handsome boy, and just wanted to say well done, he clearly has very loving parents and a proud big brother, and from all of us, good luck with any future operationsand changes you go through, and I hope people begin to broaden their minds, engage you and your family in their lives more, and share in your happiness.. Wishing you all the best, Tom & family

  317. Thank you for sharing your journey and really making people think about how they treat others because they are a little different. I wish you and your gorgeous boy all the best!

  318. This has to be one of the most thought provoking articles I have read. As a loving Aunty to two amazing little boys ( one of whom has Down Syndrome…the DS in our family stands for, Damn Sexy), a niece to a wonderful Aunty who is disabled and a mommy to an adventurous four month old, I wondered if I would have had the courage to take my little boy’s hand, walk up to you and Jameson and said hi. Your article made me rethink how I would have reacted and has honestly made me a better and more aware parent. I even brought this up at our mommy group and we had a deep discussion on the lessons of love we should teach our children. Our family is used to the stares and whispers but your article made my eyes open that much wider. Thank you for reminding me (and teach my son) that beauty comes in so many forms. And for the record, before I even read your post on another site, I melted at the picture of Jameson. Hopefully, one day our paths will cross and our little men will look at each other and see an awesome play buddy and friend in front of them. Wishing you and your beautiful family lots of love xo

  319. Your story, and your son’s has touched me since I first read it on Facebook and beyond. I think he is an amazing, fantastic, terrific little boy. I wish him, and you, all the best. In a world where people can be cruel beyond measure, I hope my children grow up to appreciate differences in others, and know that is what makes them special and amazing! Your’s and Jameson’s strength and resolve and courage is an inspiration to us all, and you are absolutely right…he’s not scary….he’s beautiful, and handsome, and perfect just the way he is.

  320. Pingback: All Sorts Weekend – Creativity, Discrimination And Hating New Math | Raising Rockstar

  321. I just read your blog from a post on Facebook. Wow. I broke down in tears not only because I have been the child on the receiving end of bullies, but also because I am in awe of your grace. It is so easy to become angry and hateful when you encounter people who say mean things, even if they don’t mean to, but you chose not to do so. You and Jameson are inspirations! Thank you so much for sharing. I think Jameson is a beautiful little boy and he obviously has an amazing family. Please, keep doing what you are doing! Give that precious little boy a hug for me.

  322. Wonder by R.J. Palacio is a great book that my son read and others are reading. It’s required for school. I teach children and if they are in a “christian setting” they are more understanding. Yes, they may ask some question but I tell them God made us all and he made no junk, they get it and move on. Jamesome would make friends! If Jamesome wanted to play with my family and go to church with us that would be great! He would love Sunday School and my children and I would all love him back. I home school so if he wanted to play wit us anytime we would be there for him:-) God Bless!

  323. Hi, I just came across this post and then instantly fell in love with your journey as a mother and your son’s story. So honest and true. Thank you for sharing, it’s very inspiring and heartfelt. 🙂

  324. I just wanted to thank you for sharing your story. I am a 6th grade Reading/Language Arts teacher. We are reading Wonder by R.J. Palacio (some previous comments mentioned it) to promote bullying awareness and to introduce the students to someone who is different from them (the main character in the book has Treacher Collins Syndrome). What the book lacks, unfortunately, is a parental perspective, so I am going to include your article in my curriculum for this book. My students love the main character, Auggie, and it is almost like he has become part of our class. I look forward to sharing this piece of your son’s story with them so they can understand things a bit from your perspective, and also know that it’s okay to come up and say hello! 🙂

    • Hello! I’m french (yes we’ve heard about you and your son) and my best friend is “different”, he can’t write so I’m his hands today. He wanted to tell you “My name is David I know how it’s hard and how it hurts when people stares at you like you don’t even belong to human kind, like you’re a freak or those who stop right in front of you, eyes and mouth wide open in the middle of the street. I just wanted to tell you that it also make you stronger. And sometimes you meet people who really don’t care of how you look and focus on who you are. Don’t loose hope and keep fighting!”
      I’m not “different”, I’m pretty “common” but grew up with David, we’ve always been friends and I’ve seen how people can react when they see my friend, I heard them laugh behind his back and even fight with some when we were younger (not so proud of it). I really can’t understand how people can attach that importance to appearance and how they can hurt others for nothing, but they do. I just learn to ignore them, as David always did, wich is the hardest thing I’ve done in my entire life. If someday you come in France, we’ll be pleased to make you visit our country (we’re from Paris) and share our universe with you.
      David and Sonia, friends from France (sorry for the mistakes).

  325. This is such an important message and although I have no children and probably won’t for many years from now, I will remember this and hope to raise them with a spirit of curiosity and acceptance instead of passive exclusion. Because even if we have been fortunate enough to not be singled out on a regular basis, everyone has felt self conscious or been teased about their appearance at one time in their life. It is always good to be reminded that differences are not inherently wrong. Your son is adorable in that picture!

  326. I was led to read your post from Mel’s Friday Round Up. Thank you for sharing your story. This gives one a lot to think about. As my babies reach the toddler and school age, I hope I can remember your words and teach my kids how to reach out in kindness. I also think you have an amazing perspective in your understanding that kids will say things like this. It’s natural. But it’s how we as parents teach them to respond.

  327. However we call it, God, the Big Bang, the Source, Buddha, Halla,… I believe in reincarnation, we are not a Body with a soul but well a Soul with a body… We choose our parents and the great lines of our life according to what we need to experiment for our spiritual evolution that will be the light in the dark for others… I discover your story and the feeling in my heart is “Wow, if we choose our life, what a powerful and shining soul it should be to have chosen such a difference to express itself – The same about all members of your family” !! INSPIRING !! Whatever you believe in, that’s what I see when I look at your family, that’s the vibration it creates into me that it’s then sent into you 🙂 doesn’t matter how far we live 🙂 Thank you thank you thank you !! Love and respect for you all 😀 Greetings from Belgium !!

  328. He’s gorgeous! I just saw the link to this post on a news website and thought what a cute boy and noticed the title. As I was reading the article I was wondering what I would say to my daughter if she ever remarks on someone else’s appearance. She’s only 7 weeks old and she can choose whatever job she likes (well, maybe some I’d rather not) but my main hope for her is that she can be a kind person and I can teach her to be accepting and nice. I was trying to think what I’d say if my daughter ever said someone looks funny, scary etc. I definitely wouldn’t want to hear that remark but I’m glad you said what you’d like people to say because I have taken that on board! I did think I’d say something similar like ‘they’re not scary, that’s not very nice they’re probably a lovely person. They just look different to what your used to but that’s ok’ but I love what you said about going to meet them. I will use that, so thank you! But I do hope I can raise my daughter to be accepting and not say things like that in the first place and see people for their personalities and not just appearance (though I do see beauty in your little boy, he melts my heart). Thanks for a lovely article…well blog! I’m sorry your little boy and yourself have to put up with comments and looks. I hope he becomes a strong, confident man and doesn’t take what he encounters to heart. Sounds like he’s got a great mum.

  329. Sad to read the article you posted, but totally amused by your child and his look! Hey nothing wrong with looking unique, believe me! It can be really beneficial at times – I know. I am rarely forgotten by people I meet and they always smile when I meet them again! Just gets daunting when people come up in the street and say “remember me” and they look like 200 other people you have met in the prior 3 months.

    Look, I’d like to share a suggestion, from my experience as a Director, Writer and Actress. Multiple award winning at that.

    Get your boy into acting! SERIOUSLY! If people are so shallow to pick on him now, or make fun of him, and it happens to many anyway, his unique look and traits will greatly benefit him as an Actor! Sure he might only get horror and thriller films in his later life, but believe me, Directors love nothing more than a naturally person. Many actors have succeeded and become so famous in their film careers, and highly in demand, simply because of their unusual eye (twisting onwards) or a lump on their back, or wacky teeth.

    The problem is, often parents “protect” the child from exactly what you have written about, by the time the child is 16 or 18, they have a total loss of confidence and shy away. Kids have a natural outward energy and desire to please. I love working with kids, they so give their all when you give them the freedom to give. Not all the kids I’ve worked with will be life career actors, but for that moment in time, they had their opportunity to shine. Others continue to act today, years later.

    Give him a go! Hunt around for a decent talent agent who isn’t just asking for money to list and money for classes. If you need some guidance or advice, do contact me.

    You have Peter Jackson in NZ, I’ll bet Peter would totally get on his knees to see your little champ have a career that no one will every taunt him about or make a snide comment!

    And if your little guy decides not to be an actor as he grows up, fine, that’s cool, let him decide now, and as he grows. (Never force a kid, just open the door and give them a chance to step in! One of my boys was hot and cold on acting for years, then just want “I want in”, now he’s confident and chooses what he wants to do when he wants to do it.)

    I hope one day, if he decides he wants to be an actor, he fronts up to one of my auditions, or if a casting director sends me his photo and CV, he wont need to audition!

  330. Pingback: 8 Ways to Stop Your Child From Becoming a Bully | Georgia World Latest News Headlines

  331. Pingback: 8 Ways to Stop Your Child From Becoming a Bully | likev.net

  332. Pingback: 8 Ways to Stop Your Child From Becoming a Bully | Pinoria

  333. Pingback: 8 Methods to Stop Your Child From Being a Bully | Topical Teaching

  334. I found this post through a Facebook share from a friend. I think it’s wonderful that you encourage people to speak with you and your son and that you are willing to allow children to learn. It’s so difficult to gauge when first meeting a person what is hurtful and what is not. I was publicly berated once by a woman using a wheelchair because I tried to make pleasant conversation with her in the grocery line – the weather, that kind of stuff. She told me that I was only talking to her because I felt sorry for her and wanted to make myself feel good. The next time I met a person using a wheelchair I said nothing because of that experience, and that man made a snide comment to me about me pretending that I did not see him. For a long time I felt that I could not possibly do or say anything right in this type of situation. I finally came to the decision that it is better to be berated for something done out of friendliness and love than to stay silent. Thank you for the reminder!

  335. I would like to thank you for your positive, matter of fact and educational approach to dealing with children’s questions. My, but don’t children sometimes like to ask their questions out loud? When my sister and I were young, we were no different. I will always remember an elderly veteran’s kind response to our questions about his artificial arm. He told us about his arm, and that yes, he could swim very well, but without the arm. Of course, I still remember laughing when he told us he could get our noses with his hook. (Obviously a grandfather) Most importantly, the time and patience of this man taught me that disabilities are not to be feared, and to realize people with differences are ordinary people like me.

  336. Your little boy, Jameson, is beautiful. Since my daughter passed away the day she was born. I have looked at these special needs kids/ children a different way. My little girl would of been one had she lived. I admire you in taking to the internet to get the word out. Thank you so much.

  337. Just saw your letter on Facebook… You are so brave ! Your little son looks so adorable. I send you all my support , all my love.

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